Please, Stop the Trial of Nikki Haley's Skin Color

Please, Stop the Trial of Nikki Haley's Skin Color

The viral clip of Nikki Haley talking about her experience as a “brown” girl, wasn’t brought up out of nowhere to bash America or gain sympathy. She was asked a question by Dasha Burns and responded. If people on the Right don’t want people to talk about their experiences with racism, they should stop creating racist experiences for them to talk about.

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Evangelical Leader Claims Trump, Not DeSantis, Tried to Buy Endorsement

Evangelical Leader Claims Trump, Not DeSantis, Tried to Buy Endorsement

The puzzling—perhaps deceptive—thing about Trump’s attack on Plaats is that candidates, nonprofits, and PACs paying for table sponsorships are extremely common. Whether it’s Lincoln Day Dinners, Christmas parties, candidate forums, and so on, political organizations will try to offset the costs with sponsorship packages.

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Employers Should Be Allowed to "Blacklist" Hamas Apologists

Employers Should Be Allowed to "Blacklist" Hamas Apologists

This was not merely a “boneheadedly wrong” idea, as Vivek Ramaswamy said. It was a choice to justify evil. So, while I appreciate repentance, forgiveness, mercy, grace, and redemption, I can’t fault employers—especially Jewish ones—for not wanting to hire Hamas sympathizers.

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Retribution v. Optimism

Retribution v. Optimism

The idea of Trump returning for a big finale is tempting. It feels like justice for millions of voters who believe the election was unfair (whether through fraud or Big Tech and media manipulation), or at least like vindication for those who supported Trump, knowing he was a far better president than Biden. But I’ve also heard Trump supporters say they were only interested in “retribution.” …A DeSantis supporter responded to the “retribution” motivation with, “I don’t have time for retribution; I’ve got kids.”

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Do Presidential Candidates Pay to Win Polls?

Do Presidential Candidates Pay to Win Polls?

Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, who is also a presidential hopeful, gave some insight on Fox News Business that’s raising a few eyebrows. “You wanna know something funny about this? I’ve attended CPAC before. I didn’t know it works this way. A consultant calls my campaign shortly after I declared and said, ‘Hey, we can get you up to number two on there if you pay a few hundred thousand dollars.” Ramaswamy was “shocked,” but I certainly wasn’t.

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