Kamala Harris Approved in January of Standards She Now Thinks Are Racist

Kamala Harris Approved in January of Standards She Now Thinks Are Racist

But this particular objection made by Harris was familiar to Jeremy Redfern, press secretary to Governor DeSantis. It was “essential knowledge” in the AP standards Harris wanted to be taught in Florida back in January.

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Systemic Pity

Systemic Pity

Years ago, I had a conversation with a woman about affirmative action and how it disadvantages Asian students. She paused for a moment and thought delicately about her words, “Well, I know if it was my child, I’d want them to have an advantage.”

My simple reply: “That’s because your daughter would be black.”

But what if your child wasn’t? Do Asian mothers love their children any less? Should they not at least fight for equal opportunity?

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Clinton's Daughter Defends Sexually Graphic Children's Books

Clinton's Daughter Defends Sexually Graphic Children's Books

Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former US President Bill Clinton, took to Twitter last Thursday to condemn book banning…Alarmingly, Clinton shared an NBC News article that featured the book Gender Queer, which is an explicitly sexual book that contains visual depictions of oral sex, masturbation, and adult sexual contact with a minor.

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Plot Twist: “Dilbert” Creator Scott Adams Canceled for Being a Poster Child for Critical Race Theory

Plot Twist: “Dilbert” Creator Scott Adams Canceled for Being a Poster Child for Critical Race Theory

CRT teaches that white people are racist, they don’t have an incentive to not be racist, and when they do something that’s the opposite of racist, they’re still racist—but their selfishness is more important than their racism. I don’t believe Scott Adams necessarily agrees with critical race theory’s tenants, but he is responding to the reality of its conclusions and impact.

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MSNBC Lies About CRT in School While Debating Rep. Byron Donalds

MSNBC Lies About CRT in School While Debating Rep. Byron Donalds

Not all schools are as obvious as Detroit, but critical race theory “insights” are being funneled through schools as equity training or DEI, which stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion. The reason why they push equity and not equality is that race-neutral policies are not the desirable agenda of critical race theorists. Even the Democrat Party’s official platform rejects race-neutral policies, which means they’re openly promoting racism to fight so-called racism.

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That State of Our Union is Sick

That State of Our Union is Sick

We are weak. We are depraved. And most egregiously, we are cowards. Many Americans know we’re headed down a path of destruction. I’m not prophesying a worldwide flood, but a nation that allows such brutality against their children—mentally and physically—won’t survive.

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Michigan Democrats Wage a Not-So-Stealth War on Parents

Michigan Democrats Wage a Not-So-Stealth War on Parents

The Michigan Democrat Party found themselves in hot water after posting an anti-parent rant on their Facebook page. “Not sure where this ‘parents-should-control-what-is-taught-in-schools-because-they-are-our-kids’ is originating, but parents do have the option to choose to send their kids to a hand-selected private school at their own expense if this is what they desire.”

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Why Are We Allowing Racists and Crazies To Take Charge on Racial Justice?

Why Are We Allowing Racists and Crazies To Take Charge on Racial Justice?

The question Americans should ask is why do we uplift voices with such a skewed sense of reality? Everyone has some sort of bias, but there’s a difference between needing a stronger prescription to see things clearly, and the blatantly blind leading the willfully blind off a cliff.

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Did the White House, Justice Department, and NSBA Conspire Against Parents?

Democrats have furiously referred to Justice Neil Gorsuch’s seat as “stolen.” Many Republicans felt as though they were responsible for saving the country. Given Garland’s recent and blatantly partisan attack on concerned parents, America dodged a massive bullet.

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