The Craziest Attacks on Judge Amy Coney Barrett

“The dogma lives loudly within you. That’s of concern.”

This quote was said by Senator Diane Feinstein. Democrats like Senator Kamala Harris claim it’s absurd that anyone would attack Judge Barrett’s faith, but Democrats have a repeated history of doing exactly that. Of course, many Democrats have a faith, but they only accept faith if it doesn’t shape someone’s worldview. Democrats may not truly believe a conservative court would be bold enough to overturn Roe v Wade, but that is their battle cry. Judge Barrett’s personal beliefs and whether she believes in the sanctity of life should not matter. The question is whether she can act in a professional manner, like millions of Americans do every day. If she believes in interpreting the constitution as is, that’s what should matter. Roe v Wade is constantly challenged because it’s widely considered a terrible ruling. The irony is Democrats want to keep Roe v Wade for ideological reasons, not for the constitutionality of the law itself. Even the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg expressed concern about the law.

The Handmaiden’s Tale

The media began circulating stories about Judge Barrett’s faith, alleging she belonged to a group that inspired the popular book, The Handmaiden’s Tale. This was false. Newsweek began the smear and it spread to other outlets from there, such as Reuters. Newsweek issued a correction, but ABC News pushed the story soon after. Barrett belongs to a charismatic Catholic group called “People of Praise,” and author Margaret Atwood was supposedly inspired by “People of Hope.” Liberals like Bill Maher have been outspoken about their disgust for Barrett’s faith and called her nuts.

Even if “People of Praise” inspired Atwood, that doesn’t mean Barrett’s confirmation would lead to a dystopian society. But this is the future Democrats boast about when conservatives are put into positions of power.

Her faith teaches men are the head of the household.

It’s amusing watching the media report on this as if this isn’t a common theme held in the Abrahamic religions. It only reveals their ignorance on the matter in how they present it like a boogieman. Yes, the Christian faith teaches that men are meant to be the priests of their home, the head. It does not mean women are meant to be oppressed. Obviously, Barrett is a professional woman who is likely to be appointed to the Supreme Court. Her husband doesn’t keep her barefoot and pregnant.

Chapter five in the book of Ephesians talks about men being assigned the head of a household, just as Jesus is the head of the church. The big kicker is it also states men should love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. Reminder: Jesus Christ sacrificed himself. God wants men to lay everything on the line for the sake of the family. It’s nothing oppressive. It’s about building a partnership to build a family.

Proverbs 31 also lays out a case for a virtuous woman: a homemaker, a godly woman, a businesswoman who is resourceful, and so on.

Before the leftwing media fearmongers with the bible, they should try reading it.

Barrett is a “shameless careerist.”

Democrats are having a hard time going after Barrett’s career, so some have made the point that it’s inappropriate Barrett would even accept the nomination so close to an election. Barrett is a judge. She understands the president is still going to be the president until January, regardless of the outcome. President Trump was well within his constitutional authority. He was elected to appoint judges; the Senate was elected to confirm them. To pretend Trump doesn’t have a mandate is absurd.

Why should Barrett deny herself this rare opportunity that will last a lifetime? This is the dream of dreams to a judge. Of course, she should take it. Any man or woman would be wise to take this opportunity. It’s also hilarious that Slate had a man write about the evils of a woman having ambition. But what can you expect from Tom Scocca, the same man who justified insane leftists harassing Sarah Huckabee Sanders at restaurants?

Barrett has a career and a family.


This is an odd step for feminism today, but here we are. Barrett, who came from a family of seven children, is being criticized for having a big family herself. How can she possibly be a dutiful wife, a good judge, and be a good mother of seven children at the same time? Work-life balance is important, and so is having a supportive and attentive partner. When Barrett became a judge, her husband opted to spend more time at home. Her husband’s aunt also helped. It is possible to have it all and do it all, but that’s a hard pill to swallow for some on the left. Celebrities like Busy Phillipps, Jameela Jamil, and Michelle Williams tout their abortions as career boosters that allowed them to pursue their dreams. Barrett should be celebrated as a feminist icon—a true Proverbs 31 woman—but modern feminism is truly about grievance culture, microaggressions like being asked to smile, and fighting for the legality of terminating a pregnancy up until the moment of birth for any reason.

Some have even attacked Barrett for adopting two Haitian children, and even went as far as to suggest she was using them and her child with down syndrome as a political prop.


Barrett is a Christian

Journalists have been vocal about Barrett’s belief that God can use them as judges. Well, there’s an entire book in the bible about judges. This may shock you, but it’s called “Judges.”

Christians largely believe God is using them in just about every career. Whether their outreach is simply being a godly example of a good servant by being a diligent worker, showing the love of Christ by being kind and cooperative, or finding the opportunity to witness about the goodness of God, spreading the gospel is a full-time job.

Upholding the constitution that protects everyone’s religious liberty is a great way to serve not only God, but the people of America of all faiths.

The Washington Post wrote a piece on Barrett being paid to speak five times for Blackstone Legal Fellowship. “It was founded to show students ‘how God can use them as judges, law professors and practicing attorneys to help keep the door open for the spread of the Gospel in America.’”

Well, someone has to stand up and protect the first amendment. A good judge who respects the constitution will do that.

Politico also pointed out that Barrett has ties with Christian groups that believe in the traditional view of marriage. Catholics believing in Catholic things should not be shocking.