The Weaponization of "Christ is King"

The Weaponization of "Christ is King"

“Christ is King” should not be known as an antisemitic phrase, but Christians should be aware that some very hateful people, who believe Hitler was “cool,” are trying to co-opt it. We don’t have to stop proclaiming “Christ is King,” but we should call out the wolves in poorly made sheep costumes.

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What "He Gets Us" Doesn't Get About Jesus

What "He Gets Us" Doesn't Get About Jesus

God doesn’t need a PR team to edit him and become more presentable to mankind; we need to seek a greater understanding of God to grasp the fullness of his goodness. The same God in Genesis and Revelation is the same God in the Gospels, and he’s been perfectly loving the entire time, even in demonstrations of his wrath and judgment.

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Rep. Nancy Mace Raises Brows After Talking About her Sex Life At a Prayer Breakfast

Rep. Nancy Mace Raises Brows After Talking About her Sex Life At a Prayer Breakfast

Last week, Representative Nancy Mace (SC-01) raised eyebrows when she spoke at Senator Tim Scott’s (R-SC) prayer breakfast with talk of her pre-marital sex life. Mace said when she woke up early in the morning, her fiancé, Patrick, pulled her by the waist in bed. “No, baby, we ain’t got time for that this morning. I’ve gotta get to the prayer breakfast.”

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The Perspective of the Serpent

The Perspective of the Serpent

An abortion ban is not a restriction on a woman’s “reproductive freedom.” She has many other options: celibacy, birth control, fertility tracking, condoms, and sterilization. If she becomes pregnant, she has adoption, safe harbor laws, or the choice to mother her child. Denying abortion as an option is not a lack of freedom. That is the perspective of the serpent.

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The Critics Hate "Nefarious," and it's Hilarious

The Critics Hate "Nefarious," and it's Hilarious

But it is hilarious how much the critics hate the content, vindicating the monologues of the demon. Nefarious argues the beauty of their evil plot is that humans can’t even recognize what evil is. So, when they tackle the subject of abortion in the film—in a very honest manner—the critics see it as “propaganda.” There was even a scene when Dr. Martin tries to virtue signal to the demon about how humanity is actually winning because it’s so inclusive now!

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Pro-Choice "Christian" from Michigan Votes Against Medical Care for Abortion Survivors

Pro-Choice "Christian" from Michigan Votes Against Medical Care for Abortion Survivors

The Born Alive Survivors Protection Act isn’t about protecting abortion; the woman has already had one. It’s about saving a newborn who survived the assassination attempt, so it’s not about what happens in the mother’s womb. But politicians like Scholten are trying to protect the intent of abortion and shield the conscience of Americans. To continue making legislation and protections around the survivor is a reminder the child was a victim of violence.

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Black Georgia Pastors Support Warnock, Yet Warnock Votes Against Their Principles

Black Georgia Pastors Support Warnock, Yet Warnock Votes Against Their Principles

And though it isn’t Warnock’s job to legislate from the Bible in the senate, you would expect faith leaders to push someone who is going to protect their first amendment rights and represent their values. After all, their congregations are looking to them for leadership. Why vote for someone who would make it easier for them to be sued or muzzled?

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Hope for the Pro-Life Movement After the Midterm Election

Hope for the Pro-Life Movement After the Midterm Election

The abolition movement was resilient. It faced setbacks and had long battles, certainly not unique to America. Abolition giants like William Wilberforce had tremendous struggles, yet he would not concede his fight either. As Pastor John Newton reminded him, like Queen Esther, Wilberforce was called for such a time as this, and so are you.

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Religious Bigotry of Whitmer, Nessel, and Benson

Religious Bigotry of Whitmer, Nessel, and Benson

The religious bigotry from Gretchen Whitmer, Dana Nessel, and Jocelyn Benson has gone too far, and it’s rarely addressed. These people don’t believe in mutual respect; they believe in ideological submission.

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Democrats Disrespectfully Use Minorities in a War to "Redefine" Marriage

Democrats Disrespectfully Use Minorities in a War to "Redefine" Marriage

“This is how you know Democrats have so little respect for minorities,” I told my sister. “They included it for narratives like this, to use us.” Democrats don’t think gay marriage alone is enough to stir up their base. They must also include minorities, so they can accuse Republicans of being racist, on top of homophobic.

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Media Matter's Hit on Allie Stuckey Proves the Left Hates Christians

Media Matter's Hit on Allie Stuckey Proves the Left Hates Christians

It doesn’t make sense to be angry that a Christian has a Christian podcast where they teach Christian concepts and values. Media Matters could have saved some time and plainly wrote: “Stuckey is a danger because she’s a sincere Christian, has the gull to be vocal about it, and wants her audience to vote.”

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Christian Influencer: "Your Abortion Also Saved Your Life," to a Woman Who Traded Her Child for a Chance at Gold

Christian Influencer: "Your Abortion Also Saved Your Life," to a Woman Who Traded Her Child for a Chance at Gold

The women Emmanuel Acho selected had conversations about their lives, their experiences, their dreams, their feelings, and their expectations, and they never took the time to reflect on God’s commandments and what he would have wanted for them.

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The Power of Thoughts and Prayers

The Power of Thoughts and Prayers

During a massive and inconceivable tragedy, peace and comfort are needed. The older I get, the more I see this need. We are not promised a life without pain or mourning, especially not as Christians. But we are promised peace. And in moments of grief that seem unbearable, I’ve seen friends and family ground themselves in faith.

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The Quest To Become God

The Quest To Become God

You have no rights without the right to life. If you believe a woman has the sole responsibility and authority to decide whether a human being is entitled to that sacred right, then you are rejecting “unalienable rights,” whether you believe a “Creator” endowed them or not. Abortion is a quest to not only reject God but become God.

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That State of Our Union is Sick

That State of Our Union is Sick

We are weak. We are depraved. And most egregiously, we are cowards. Many Americans know we’re headed down a path of destruction. I’m not prophesying a worldwide flood, but a nation that allows such brutality against their children—mentally and physically—won’t survive.

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The Devil Didn't Make Will Slap Chris Rock

The Devil Didn't Make Will Slap Chris Rock

It’s very easy to say, “The devil made me do it.” And don’t get me wrong. He’s the devourer. His goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. But he didn’t pop in Will’s life at the Oscars and pull a prank on him like the Roadrunner on an episode of Looney Tunes. If Satan is in your speed dial, don’t be surprised how fast he makes you into a fool.

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Wokeness and Racial Justice Will Not Save the American Church

Wokeness and Racial Justice Will Not Save the American Church

The left is trying to make it impossible for black Americans, including Christians, to step outside of their permissible way of thinking. If they think about not voting democrat, they lose their blackness. And over the past few years, many white Americans have been guilted into hating themselves and apologizing for their “whiteness.” This ideology is leaking into the church, and it will pollute the church’s message.

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Of Course, the Bible is Blatantly Against Abortion

Of Course, the Bible is Blatantly Against Abortion

A curious trend has emerged within the Pro-Choice community: using the bible to justify abortion. In most cases, these abortion defenders don’t even truly believe in the bible or the Christian God; they simply want to own the Christians. If you’re not well-versed in the scriptures, you may be swayed or at least stumped. So, let’s debunk this once and for all.

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