5 Big Election Lies from Biden

Photo by Gage Skidmore

Photo by Gage Skidmore

Fine People Hoax

When Joe Biden first announced, he released a video about the violence in Charlottesville. He condemned Trump’s “fine people” on both sides line, leaving out the fact President Trump condemned Neo-Nazis in the same statement.

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Joe Biden has been confronted on the campaign trail about this particular manipulation, but he never stopped. Biden robotically repeated the same lines on the campaign trail, and even the debate stage, about “torches” and “bulging veins” while painting the imagery. His goal, and the goal of the media, was to paint Trump as the Racist-in-Chief by spreading a lie that he called Neo-Nazis “fine people,” which was repeated by networks like CNN.

Out of all the lies spread in the 2020 election cycle, this has to be the most divisive and destructive one. Half of the country was convinced the President of the United States stood up for Neo-Nazis. This has led to historic vitriol against the president and those who openly support him, including violence.

This purposely destructive lie should have been disqualifying.


Fracking Ban

In the primaries, Democrats made many amazing statements that were predictably cut into ad campaigns against them. What wasn’t predictable was the media coverup for certain statements.

Biden repeatedly made his position clear on fracking and fossil fuels: totally get rid of them.

In the most famous clip, he walked straight up to a young girl, looked her dead in the eye, and guaranteed her that he’d end fossil fuels.

In a less famous clip, but more damning, Biden was asked if he’d be willing to risk hundreds of thousands of blue-collar jobs and “sacrifice” our economic growth in order to transition into a greener economy. He said, “Yes.”

After he received the nomination, Biden disputed the “ban” language, stating he’d only stop new fracking on federal land. Well, that would still qualify as a “ban” either way, but this is still a flip from what he promised the young woman.

When the Trump campaign put out ads stating Biden would “end fracking,” CNN “Facts First” went into overdrive to label it as misleading. Though, it did acknowledge Biden was partly to blame for “confusion,” because when Dana Bash asked if there was a future in his administration for fossil fuels, he said, “No.”

The most puzzling example of Biden’s lie was during his final debate with President Trump. He even challenged the president to show the tapes, as if they didn’t exist. Biden is perhaps the boldest liar in presidential history, with the benefit of the media covering up his messes.



Biden made a bold declaration during the final presidential debate: no one lost any health insurance due to Obamacare. Health insurance has been an important topic of discussion for the last several elections. Obama implemented Obamacare, Republicans regained control of the House and Senate by promising to repeal and replace it. Skyrocketing premiums right before the 2016 election, no doubt, helped President Trump find victory. Biden made the case that Obamacare needed to be saved, fixed, and tried to wipe out the devastating effects it had on many Americans.

Obama lied. Not everyone could keep their doctor, nor could everyone keep their plan. As a matter of fact, Politico named it lie of the year.

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This was a clear example of throwing anything against the wall and seeing what sticks.


Trump is responsible for every Covid-19 death.

Politicians often turn to hyperbole. President Trump certainly does. But Biden has laid every Covid-19 death at the feet of President Trump. He even stated at a CNN town hall, “If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive. All the people. I'm not making this up. Just look at the data."

Repeatedly, Democrats say “200,000” deaths or more, and pin it on Trump. You don’t hear Biden mention Governor Cuomo or Whitmer sending Covid patients to nursing homes, even though it was reported some time ago that 40% of the deaths were connected to them. It makes Biden sound opportunistic and cruel, rather than caring about any actual accountability.

The Democrats even had a young woman blame the death of her father at the DNC convention on Trump because he was a supporter of the president, and ignored the fact he was in the 50 and above the danger zone, obese, and decided to go to a karaoke bar.

Biden’s listed plans to fight Covid, such as rapid testing and working on a vaccine, are things the administration has already done. His only new ideas, such as mandatory mask-wearing, are neither constitutional nor practical. He’s even been inconsistent about that suggestion because it’s not possible to implement.

Biden and Kamala Harris undermined faith in a vaccine as long as Trump was the president. Biden also denies calling Trump’s policies to shut down the borders as “xenophobic,” but past comments and tweets lay out a different story.

Many governors, even Democrats like Cuomo and Newsom, previously complimented the Trump Administration on their response to the coronavirus. Once it became politically too risky to continue giving Trump his credit, they turned.

If Democrats want to point to Trump’s actions and make him accountable for every death, then why aren’t the measures he’s taken to preserve life, such as shutting down one of the greatest economies in American history to “flatten the curb,” also considered?

It all goes back to Rahm Emanuel’s philosophy, who was the Chief of Staff to former President Obama and mayor of Chicago: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” Emanuel’s brother, Ezekiel, has been named to join Biden’s Covid Task Force.


Green New Deal

Biden tried distancing himself at the first presidential debate from the Green New Deal, stating he did not support it. If you checked his website, he called it a “crucial framework.” When a viral TikTok video pointed out that Biden was dishonest, Politifact only rated it as “half-true” instead of false, because Biden’s plan isn’t exactly the same.

Biden could have picked many Democrats to be his VP, and he chose Kamala Harris. Harris co-sponsored the Green New Deal, and Bernie Sanders constantly assured that Biden would be the most progressive president since FDR.

What Biden can realistically implement vs what he wants to implement are vastly different, but we should pay attention to both. Biden plainly stated he would be willing to risk our economic growth and blue-collar jobs for green policies. Whether he 100% fights for the Green New Deal or something similar, it’s bad for Americans regardless.