Georgia and the Democrat's Identity Crisis

The mainstream media has declared Joe Biden President-elect, and until President Trump’s court cases, recounts, and audits are resolved, that’s what a majority of Americans will refer to him as.

But the Democrats suffered major losses outside of the White House. Pollsters were expecting them to take a massive victory in the House and Senate. Instead, Republicans are making sweeping gains. It’s not enough to overtake the House, but the fate of the Senate is now up to a runoff election in Georgia.

A war continues to wage on within Democrat leadership. More moderate Democrats have lamented about the messaging this election. “Defund the police,” nearly wiped them out. The battle over breaking the filibuster and packing the courts was a self-inflicted wound, not a scheme concocted by Republicans to scare the electorate.

Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia went on Fox News and promised the viewers that he would not go along with “crazy stuff.” If it came down to a 50-50 split, Kamala Harris wouldn’t need to break any ties, because he wouldn’t vote to break the filibuster and so on. Manchin is usually a swing Democrat vote Republicans court, and if he’s up for reelection, he’s a lot more persuadable. However, Manchin sided with Democrats on impeachment, trying to block Justice Amy Coney Barrett, blocking Covid-19 relief, and blocking tax cuts. If he’s trying to make the pitch that he’s the guardian between us and aggressive progressive agendas transforming the nation, that’s not a comfortable position for America to be in.

Manchin has his own party to deal with. After tweeting: “We do not have some crazy socialist agenda, and we do not believe in defunding the police,” Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez tweeted a picture of her staring menacingly at him during the State of the Union.

AOC is the darling of the Democrat party, gracing magazine covers and driving policy agendas like the Green New Deal. The progressives have the energy and enthusiasm to win primaries, but they’re too far to the left to overcome Republicans. Are they going to overcome their vocal base that pulls them further away from the center where most Americans are?

Who knows if that’s possible, considering media leaders like The Young Turks were begging Democrats on election night to get out of the way and let them punch Republicans in the face? It’s not the “unity” message Biden is trying to spin.

Republican Senators Loeffler and Perdue are both on the chopping block during this upcoming runoff. If they lose, Democrats will presumably have control of both legislative branches and a president eager to sign anything Twitter tells him to. What could we potentially lose? If you benefited from Trump’s tax cuts, Biden has promised to repeal them. Trump’s tax cuts resulted in the average American family paying around $1,400 less in taxes a year. Blue Collar jobs and energy prices are also at risk with the Green New Deal. Biden said at a debate that he’d be willing to risk hundreds of thousands of their jobs for these green policies.

The New York Times

The New York Times

Expect Biden and the Democrats to make a move on your guns. Kamala Harris said on the debate stage that she’d be willing to take executive action on guns. When Biden told her they couldn’t, she laughed him off. Her reward? The VP spot. Biden has always been a radical on guns, and now he’s talking about buyback programs and bans of online sales.

Biden also wishes to cripple school choice and is rumored to be stacking the Department of Education with teachers’ unions.

Progressives feel that they can pull Biden over to their side. Bernie Sanders and “The Squad” have been beating that drum for a long time. Why shouldn’t we take them at their word? Biden has been making concessions for them.

The two Democrat candidates are as radical as they come. Democrat candidate Raphael Warnock was the youth pastor of a church that hosted Fidel Castro in 1995, he celebrated controversial pastor, Jerimiah Wright, who Obama distanced from when it was politically convenient. Warnock also referred to police as having a “thug” mentality. Jon Ossoff is also an undercover progressive.

Senator Manchin can try to ease the minds of Americans by convincing them Democrats haven’t gone fully progressive, but as long as the enthusiasm and power come from the far left, he won’t be able to beat them back.