Why Biden and Harris Made the Top of the Democrat Ticket


Why did the democrats pick Joe Biden to be the nominee? It’s a curious case.

Democrats have been screaming President Trump is a racist, but it’s hard to use that tactic when Joe Biden’s arsenal of racist statements can outdo any modern mainstream politician, and they just keep coming. Whether it’s awkwardly complimenting Obama for being the first “articulate” and “clean” African American or stating that if you’re considering voting for Trump, then “You ain’t black,” Biden has a problem.

Prison reform has been a topic on young minds today, and Trump has an advantage over most because he signed the First Step Act. Biden waged a war on drugs (while his son, Hunter, was getting drug charges expunged from his record, mind you).

Democrats also call Trump a misogynist, but Joe Biden was also tagged with complaints of inappropriate touching and making women uncomfortable. Biden also never quite put the Tara Reade accusations to bed. While Reade doesn’t come off entirely credible, her story is far more credible than Christine Ford, who Joe Biden claimed to believe. Reade at least has evidence that she told people about the assault. It’s mentioned in past court records, and her mother called in to Larry King Live about it. It’s possible there’s more evidence in Biden’s records at the University of Delaware, but he will not unseal them until he permanently leaves office. His reasoning? There are lots of things that could be used against him.

Biden even professed a standard that women should be believed, yet he’s still the nominee.

Democrats may think it’s a good thing to run on protecting the Obama legacy, but President Obama did that when he campaigned for Hillary Clinton. He even said, “I will consider it an insult” if she loses.

Well, they could always attack Trump for the situation at the border. It would make sense to select a nominee not tied to that at all, yet they picked Joe Biden. Michelle Obama can pretend Trump was solely to blame for those “cages,” but it was the Obama Administration that built them.

Well, what about healthcare? It would be good to run someone who has plans to fix the current flawed system, right? Well, our current system is Obamacare. It’s true that republicans have gutted it in what ways they could, but it was never repealed. And it was also flawed prior to Trump taking office. The announcement of skyrocketing premiums in 2016 is what helped propel him to victory.

One of Obama’s most notable achievements was sending in the team that killed Osama Bin Laden, but Joe Biden famously admitted he opposed going in.

Joe doesn’t seem to have any positives. He’s 77, he’s not senile, but he’s not as sharp as he used to be. He’s failed running for president a few times, and he lies over ridiculous and easily verifiable things like his school records or being endorsed by the NAACP.

Joe Biden was pushed for two reasons.

1.       He’s comfort food. For many on the left, Trump’s presidency has been hard to grasp—traumatic even. They’re nostalgic for a pre-Trump era, and that was Obama. Democrats are hoping Joe will be the safe and reliable choice…even though they’re terrified of what will come out of his mouth.

2.       Joe Biden is a throwaway. Biden himself admitted to being a transition candidate who is supposed to pave the way for guys like Mayor Pete Buttigieg. He’s very old, and he has no future in the Democrat Party. If he loses, so what? They have a bench they can try to build up. They don’t have to waste a Booker or a Warren.

Truth be told, he’s a great sacrificial lamb: comfortable and expendable.

Now, why did the Democrats pick Kamala? She does Biden no favors. Her record on justice is worse than his, and she heavily implied on a debate stage that he was a racist who deeply hurt her. She checked off some of the intersectionality boxes. She’s a woman, and a woman of color.

Other names floating around would have been profoundly more powerful than Harris. Even some of the options with less name ID would have been harder for critics to come after. Harris has tape after tape of insane policies like taking executive actions on guns, and frivolous suggestions like banning the president from Twitter. Even Warren swatted her away like a fly with silly suggestions like that.

Harris was also deeply unpopular when she ran for president. She dropped out of the race before embarrassing herself in her home state primary.

Some think she’ll smoke Pence in a debate, but this belief is misguided. Just because folks on the left don’t like Pence, doesn’t mean he’s not intelligent, charismatic, or a skilled debater. In 2016, he clearly won his Vice-Presidential debate, and the media called it his audition to run in 2020 (assuming Trump would lose). Harris was also famously dusted by Tulsi Gabbard when she brought up her record.

So why Kamala Harris?

She’s expendable and totally ruthless. Harris will literally say or do anything to get elected. She was particularly vicious to Justice Kavanaugh because it elevated her profile, and she didn’t want him on the bench. She justified implying Biden was a racist on Stephen Colbert’s show by saying, “It was a debate!” and laughing insanely. I’m sure she knows there’s a good chance she’s going down, but she’ll go down swinging. She’ll throw anything against the wall in case it sticks, and that’s the kind of fighter the Democrats need to pair with Joe Biden, who is barely leaving his basement.

They aren’t genuinely running on ideas. Let’s be real: the ones they’re proposing are terrible, and their voters don’t care. Their job is to simply not be Donald Trump. They may win, and they may lose. But Harris will make it a knife fight while Biden rests in the pastures.