No, Joe Biden is not a "Nice Guy."

Joe Biden photo by Gage Skidmore.

Joe Biden photo by Gage Skidmore.

I’m baffled by all the talk about Joe Biden being a nice guy. I can understand some people saying “likable.” There are likable villains on TV shows and movies. I hope I’ve written a few myself. But “nice?”

Perhaps I’m built differently. My love language is respect, and I despise when people lie to me. Lying is sort of the game in politics, and I get that. It’s an inevitability. Trump, for example, lives in a land of hyperbole. I thought, surely, the democrats would have pinned Trump with impeachment with perjury for bragging about his shoe size or something silly like that.

But there are some lies that are far more destructive.

Joe Biden keeps repeating the same lie, over and over again, which is now known as the “fine people hoax.” Biden, and many members of the media, pushed a lie that President Trump called Neo-Nazis “very fine people,” when in the very same transcript, he clearly stated he wasn’t talking about Neo-Nazis and condemned them totally.

Biden launched his campaign off this lie. He claims this lie was his motivation to run, and he reiterated that during his acceptance speech at the DNC 2020 convention.

It has been absolutely destructive and so incredibly harmful to our nation for citizens to believe our president supports Neo-Nazis. Republicans like John Kasich have said they’re supporting Biden because he’s a uniter, but Biden’s lie is downright destructive.

He knows it’s a lie. He’s been confronted by journalists. Even some of the media, like CNN’s Jake Tapper, have begun to correct the record. He doesn’t care. The ends justify the means.

The same goes for the derailment of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court, which was the political boost Biden needed after failing in his presidential race, because he got caught in too many lies. The same goes for his attempted derailment of Justice Clarence Thomas. Biden looked on at Thomas with contempt as Thomas described the “high-tech lynching” committed against him. Thomas let it be known that the allegations thrown against him where the price “uppity blacks” have to pay when they think for themselves.

Considering Joe Biden has expressed a repeated belief that he gets to control blackness, Justice Thomas isn’t so far-fetched. After botching his interview on The Breakfast Club by stating anyone who has a hard time deciding to vote for him over Trump “ain’t black,” he told Charlamagne to look at his record. One of the things Joe mentions is that the NAACP has endorsed him every time he’s run.

This is absolutely false.

He also said blacks don’t have diverse opinions. And not only does he believe that, but Biden also implied the Latino community was on board with his racism, as if they were discussing an open secret.

Joe Biden implied to a group of black voters that Mitt Romney was going to put them back in chains. Of course, this is ridiculous, but some people actually believed dangerous rhetoric like this.

No, Joe Biden isn’t nice. Of course, his wife can make that argument. Melania and many other close figures of President Trump can get up and tell heartwarming stories to make the same case. The only problem is that America may accept a softer side, but we can’t erase Trump’s petty or even vindictive side.

So why is America totally ignoring Joe Biden’s mean streak? We’ve seen him insult voters and angrily get in their face. We know he lies. We know he’s expressed racist statements multiple times.

Perhaps it’s because the media is so blatantly biased. Politicians and media pundits give Biden a pass because they know his blatant dishonesty is political theater. My sister worked in DC for a while. She described it as, “the fakest place in the world.” Many political opponents say and scream things on camera about each other, and then they’re drinking at bars together—no harm, no foul. But not everyone in America gets the memo or understands that. We’re being conditioned to despise each other, just so the elites can score political power. Our nation is divided today, and the people who ripped it at its seams are promising that they can undo their own damage.

Democrats like Senator Bernie Sanders scream lies like, “Republicans are killing Americans by repealing Obamacare,” and go home without missing a wink of sleep. Many constituents take them seriously. God forbid, one of their supporters will take up arms to a republican baseball practice and try to save the world via execution by a mass shooting. Of course, Sanders isn’t responsible for Representative Steve Scalise nearly dying, but Sanders is responsible for his reprehensible rhetoric and every single lie.

There are Americans totally unhinged today. Even the ones acting out are being excused and uplifted. How many times did democrats utter “peaceful protests” during their convention, while manhunts go on for attempted murderers? Why can’t everyone in authority shake their fingers at the protesters and get on board about publicly shaming them? Why did CNN have to report the protests were mostly peaceful while fires and looting literally happened behind them on air?

Because Biden knows what Littlefinger knows: chaos is a ladder.

Why should we trust or reward men like Joe Biden, who would rather let the country be engulfed in flames than lose his power?