Why "All Lives Matter" is Offensive to the Left


I’m sure you’ve heard this scenario, or perhaps experienced it. An activist asks, “Do black lives matter?”

You look puzzled. Of course, black lives matter, just as much as whites, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, and so on. It almost feels like a trick question. You respond, “All lives matter.”

Fury erupts. “Why can’t you say: ‘black lives matter?’”

The indignance causes you to double down on what you know to be true. “All lives matter.”

The exchange may evolve in different ways, but one thing is clear to the other side: you do not care about black lives. When a black NBA player, Jonathan Isaac, decided to stand for the national anthem and declined to wear a “Black Lives Matter” shirt, a reporter had the audacity to ask him whether he cared about black lives.

He wanted to direct attention toward Jesus Christ, the true solution to racism and other injustices, but this sort of answer baffles the mob, who demands worship to their false idol.

Actor Terry Crews was ripped on social media because he warned we can’t elevate black lives above everyone else. BLM supporters say, “We’re not saying black lives are better. We just want to acknowledge that they’re in danger and need more attention right now.”

terry crews tweet.png

What if this entire premise is untrue? There isn’t enough data to support the belief that police are hunting down black men, but there is data that supports shootings are not racial. Think. In the hot climate today, why would any cop purposely want to do this? Especially with bodycams? Why would they want to shoot anyone? You have to go on leave, there’s an investigation, they may be charged with murder, and the media paints them horribly. Who would purposely subject their family to that sort of chaos?

“Well, what about this experience…” Everyone has anecdotal evidence. White people have bad experiences with cops, and black people have good experiences. Many experience both. A nonracial attempt to address police brutality would have been much more effective than the divisiveness of BLM. In a nation with over 300 million citizens, only 14 unarmed black men were fatally shot last year (according to the Washington Post). And unarmed doesn’t mean they didn’t resist arrest or that they weren’t dangerous. Does this sound like an epidemic worth burning cities down for?

“Well, there are hundreds of untold stories…” Then why does the media keep sensationalizing such poor examples? The media pushed a “hands up don’t shoot” lie to inflame Michael Brown’s shooting that was deemed justified after multiple investigations. George Floyd’s death set off months of protests and riots, based on a lie that he never resisted while a racist cop kneed him to death. Now, I don’t agree with the officer’s actions, but leaked bodycam footage showed that Floyd resisted, and autopsy reports show he had a lethal dose of fentanyl in his system. What happens if Attorney General Keith Ellison can’t prove second-degree murder? What will happen to the nation then? Even Breonna Taylor, who has been uplifted as an innocent EMT, was clearly more involved in the drug operation than BLM led the public to believe, according to a new report.

The media has been obsessed for years with making tragic shootings an issue of racial injustice, ever since NBC doctored the audio recording of George Zimmerman to make him sound racist. Has this made our world anymore just? No, because looters and rioters feel empowered to hit poor business owners in the back of the head and steal their stuff because of “oppression” and “the fear black men have faced.”

The real reason why “all lives matter” can’t be tolerated is that it would be admitting black lives are equal to others. It would acknowledge that black people have the same sense of agency that other races have, and are granted with the same amount of equal opportunity. It would be acknowledging that America, as a whole, isn’t as racist as the media and left-wing college professors proclaim. The narrative is more important than an actual black life. After all this time, the Left still sees Black Americans as commodities rather than individuals. They have to sell the lie. They put it on jerseys, gymnasium floors, and now entire sports teams kneel. Music icons make music videos, politicians use “BLM” in their backdrops, and ACT Blue collects the charity of suckers so they can funnel it into the Democrat machine.

BLM doesn’t care about “all” black lives, such as children killed in the womb or victims of black on black crime. They don’t even care about black lives in general. They only care about the context of how blacks are killed: by the hands of police.

Many organizations have specific focuses, and I could accept they’re merely focused on police brutality—if that were true. The organization was founded by Marxists who support ideals that are anti-American, anti-Christian, and would be harmful to the black community. Go read what they believe on their website. “Disrupting” the nuclear family is not a good idea. The left’s examples of “cis-gender privilege” are nonsensical and often involve denying biological reality, and “dismantling” it will not end police brutality. “Defund the police” was a bold statement at many protests and on their website. This would be harmful to citizens who depend on police, and it would also be wildly unpopular in the black community according to polling.

You may say the movement is different than the organization. Well, I wouldn’t attend a free speech rally if I knew Richard Spencer organized it. Why are goodhearted Americans being duped into locking arms with an organization that has always been violent? “Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon.”

They were here first. Let them have their hashtag.

I will only utter “black lives matter” in criticism. I will not empower an evil organization pushing a false and harmful narrative for political control. I will not allow them to sell black pain for Democrat power.