Don't Mind the President: Go Celebrate July 4th with Family

Media sycophants may be praising President Joe Biden for riding the coattails of Operation Warp Speed, while denying credit to the previous administration, but I’m not buying it.

Last night, Biden gave his first address to the nation and stressed the importance of getting the vaccines. Mind you, these are vaccines the Biden campaign tried to instill fear and hesitancy about. These are vaccines the media said would take a miracle. These are vaccines the debate moderators pretended were so far away.

Well, pushing doom and gloom for an entire year helped elect a man who expressed nothing new about fighting the virus on the campaign trail. Mike Pence was correct when he dusted Kamala Harris in their Vice-Presidential debate and noted his plan was plagiarism. That’s just what Biden does and has done his entire career.

Well, he couldn’t cure cancer like Obama promised, but Biden can take credit for a vaccine he purposely undermined when convenient.

Now, Biden has to convince the public to vaccinate. “If we do our part, and we do this together by July 4, there’s a good chance you, your families, and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day.”

Not to brag, but there are a lot of Americans already doing this or already did last year. But just when you think Biden is dishing out hope and a return to normalcy, he reels it back. “That doesn’t mean large groups with lots of people together. But it does mean small groups will be able to get together.”

Oh, how benevolent of the government to allow us to gather together in small groups once we’re all fully vaccinated. We’ve certainly fallen far from “Give me liberty, or give me death!” For an entire year, the government has dictated how and where we can worship, which businesses can be open, what type of job is essential, and who you’re allowed to have in your own home. Now, as we approach a new celebration of freedom, Biden will only grant us the privilege of being with our family and neighbors if we’re obedient boys and girls.

If the vaccine works, why does it matter if the group is small or large? And I’m not trying to undermine the effectiveness of the vaccine; I’m merely pointing out the ridiculousness of Biden’s messaging since evidence appears to suggest it is effective.

The truth is there are going to be people who don’t vaccinate for various reasons. Some will be out of fear, false information, natural immunity, reasonable hesitation, or flat-out ambivalence. Since Biden’s campaign had an active strategy to undermine its safety, they don’t have a high ground to complain from. They were willing to risk public health to win an election. Congrats, you won! But he has a credibility problem, and he may have to learn to take the L. He even invoked the name of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the man who openly lied about the effectiveness of masks and herd immunity to the American people.

Biden warned we could possibly go back if we’re not vigilant. Well, the government overstepped their bounds time and time again during the lockdowns, and they’ll be overstepping their bounds if they try vaccine enforcement.

Biden stated he’d issue “further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated.” Jeremy Boreing of The Daily Wire rightly pointed out: “‘Can and cannot’ isn’t guidance.” With states opening up every day—without mask mandates—Americans are going to ignore directives, especially since we know the crisis has significantly calmed.

Between the number of people who will gladly get the vaccine, the population already infected and recovered, and those who were asymptomatic, the Biden administration may not have a future health crisis on their hands (though they may choose to make a political one).

White House Chief of Staff Ronald Klain reiterated they were working toward “July 4 gatherings with close family.” The Biden administration may think it’s cute to announce easily obtainable goals, but telling Americans they might be able to celebrate their Independence Day if they obey a government that has acted tyrannically for a year, ain’t a good look.

If the goal is to encourage everyone to vaccinate, Godspeed. Let the science drive that mission and inform opinions. If the strategy is to hold the freedom of millions of Americans hostage until everyone obeys (which they won’t), Biden is awful. Turning citizens against each other is toxic, but it’s a technique Democrats like Governor Gretchen Whitmer used too brazenly during the pandemic. Small incentives are also not a good strategy, especially for young and healthy Americans who would rather test their luck.  

As for me and my house, we shall gather and eat barbeque.