Of Course, the Bible is Blatantly Against Abortion

A curious trend has emerged within the Pro-Choice community: using the bible to justify abortion. In most cases, these abortion defenders don’t even truly believe in the bible or the Christian God; they simply want to own the Christians. If you’re not well-versed in the scriptures, you may be swayed or at least stumped. So, let’s debunk this once and for all.

Where does life begin?

I’m sure you’ve heard Pro-Lifers say, “The science is clear; life begins at conception.” But you may hear life begins at first breath, in reference to Genesis 2:7. That was the beginning of man’s first breath, and that man was Adam. Adam was not conceived. He was created from the dust of the earth, assembled molecule by molecule. When God breathed the breath of life into him, man became a living soul. But humans are not assembled like Adam anymore. We’re “knitted” together in the womb, fearfully and wonderfully made. If you believe that a baby at 39 weeks is not alive, therefore it would be morally acceptable to terminate it up until the moment it passes through the birth canal, that’s terribly unscientific. It also ignores the fact that a fetus breathes, just not in the same way we do. The placenta doesn’t only provide nutrients. It also provides oxygen. And if the “breath of life” is a supernatural experience and “living souls” are being created, there’s no reason to believe that isn’t happening at conception, especially since fetuses interact with the Holy Spirit in the bible.

When does our value to God begin?

God knew Jeremiah before he was even formed in his mother’s belly, and before he came out of the womb, he was sanctified and ordained to be a prophet (Jeremiah 1:5). Not everyone is a Jeremiah, but Ephesians 1:4 says, “he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world.” If God has a purpose for us, even before we are born, a bible-believing Christian should value that life and purpose as well.

Does God value a fetus?

Obviously, if God has a purpose for us all and knitted us together in the womb, he values us even in our most vulnerable state. But the bible goes even further. According to an angel, John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit while in his mother’s womb (Luke 1:15). When Mary visits Elizabeth, John leaped in her womb and his mother was filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:41).

How Does God Feel About Abortion?

It’s safe to assume he hates it. One of the things God is stated to hate is “hands that shed innocent blood,” (Proverbs 6:16-17). God also gave his creations clear commandments for us to follow, including a commandment not to kill (Exodus 20:13).

Men committed child sacrifice in the bible. God clearly detested this practice for his people, and let it be known in Leviticus 20.

Abortion is far more discrete, but it’s still human sacrifice on the altar of self. Instead of sacrificing for rain and crops, women sacrifice their babies for bachelor’s degrees, finances, or relationships. The vast majority of abortions are done so out of convenience, not medical emergencies. Convenience doesn’t mean the decision wasn’t difficult, but there were other plausible options that didn’t need to result in a child’s death.

You may argue the bible is a very violent book, and that God has killed. God is still God, and you are not. You may say God has sanctioned his people to war against the enemy of Israel and so on. True. But you will not find a blanket authority granted by God for a woman to kill their children at their whim. Abortion isn’t dispensing of God’s judgment. It’s a woman becoming judge, jury, and executioner of an innocent human being and someone who is a valued child of God.

Does God Value Your Choice?

God grants us free will, and we can choose whether or not we’re going to serve him, but just because God permits something doesn’t mean he approves. As a matter of fact, Jesus said if you’re going to come after him, you have to crucify your flesh daily. God doesn’t approve of something like rape just because you “choose” to do it, and neither do you. “Choice” is a fancy talking point, but we don’t support everyone’s choices, especially if they’re harmful and infringe on the rights of others.

Besides, what other sinful “choices” did you make that led you into the predicament of pregnancy? Fornication? Adultery? God’s commandments are not simply dos and don’ts from a tyrannical God seeking to control you. God is trying to save you a lot of heartaches and shield you from Satan, who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy your life and the lives of your children (John 10:10).

Some Pro-Choice Christians may argue it’s ultimately the woman’s decision and she’ll have to answer to her God one day. That’s also not a very Christian perspective. The bible says, “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins,” (Isaiah 58:1). Jesus also said if you love him, you’ll keep his commandments and feed his sheep. Christians are given a great commission to preach the gospel. If you’re living your faith silently, you’re not living it appropriately. Your opinion on abortion can remain a private issue, but God’s opinion should be preached from the rooftops and on street corners.

Perhaps you don’t feel like morality should be legislated (the right to life is moral, but it’s a rights issue), but it’s a Christian’s job to make abortion morally unthinkable.

Does God Value a Woman’s Bodily Autonomy?

Abortion has nothing to do with bodily autonomy because the purpose is to terminate your child’s life and remove their body. Bodily autonomy refers to you making decisions about your own future. Even if you ignore the father, abortion still involves two people: the mother and her child.

The bible is not an anti-woman book. If you read Proverbs 31, you’d know virtuous women are capable of accomplishing a lot without motherhood becoming a crippling detriment. Though it is God’s design for women to be fruitful and multiply, they are more than mere incubators. And they’re certainly more than vessels of pleasure for men who don’t want the responsibility of fatherhood or the commitment of family.

The bible is also not a YOLO (you only live once) mentality book, where men and women are encouraged to live selfishly for their own self-gratification. As a matter of fact, if you want to follow after Christ, you’re supposed to deny yourself and take up your cross daily (Luke 9:23).

2 Timothy 3 says that in the last days, men shall be lovers of their own selves, but God calls us to be patient, charitable, to keep our faith, even through persecutions and longsuffering. Jesus laid his life down so we could be saved. His disciples suffered persecution and death to spread the gospel. We are simply not taught to put our desires above the lives of innocent children.

There are perks to being a Christian. God does desire to see his children blessed and to give us joy and peace. The structure of a god-fearing family is also designed to bring some of that joy. “Children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate,” (Psalm 127:3-5).

Maybe you’re certain you’re not the type who will enjoy a family. Adoption has blessed the lives of many families. Don’t rob good parents of that blessing, and don’t rob your biological child out of their life.

The word teaches that our hearts are deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9). Many women who have abortions later come to regret it, and many who claim to have no regret can’t even acknowledge they took a life. We’re not always certain of what we want. Too often, we seek wisdom from man instead of God, and men are deceivers with agendas, who profit off the abuse of women. The abortion industry is fueled by lies, like “it’s just a clump of cells.” Another great lie women come to believe is that they can’t raise a child when we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Phil 4:13).  

Does God Sanction Abortion?

In the Old Testament, if men are fighting with each other and injure a pregnant woman, resulting in premature birth, they are merely fined if the baby survives and there is no further injury. If there is further injury, the penalty is a life for a life, an eye for an eye, and so on. (Exodos 21:22-25).

Some Pro-Choice advocates have misunderstood this passage and believe if the mother has a miscarriage, a fine is sufficient (perhaps because of the RSV version). In other words, a fetus is much less valuable than the mother and a fetus can be reduced to a monetary value. Though organizations like Planned Parenthood, the US government, pharmaceutical companies, and major corporations can and have put a price on a dead fetus, they’re misunderstanding God’s view in this passage. If anything, the passage affirms the baby is much more than a clump of cells and just as important as “viable” humans with consciousness.

Numbers 5 is a go-to passage for the Pro-Choice crowd. In this passage, a woman is accused of adultery and takes her case before God rather than a jealous husband. She drinks from “bitter water” and if she is innocent, nothing happens. There is a poor translation in the NIV that gives the impression that a guilty woman would “miscarry,” but that is clearly a mistake. Scholars believe the supernatural sign of guilt would be her belly swelling and future barrenness. There’s no indication the woman in the passage is even pregnant. And even if she were, God is still the judge. If abortion advocates want to outlaw medical abortions and have God supernaturally judge whether or not a child will live or die, I’m willing to take that bet.

Abortion advocates claim the concoction of the “bitter water” causes miscarriage, but it’s simply water mixed in with dust on the temple floor. I’m sure it tastes gross, but it’s not an abortion drug. They argue the barley in the passage can be used for an abortion, but the barley is used for an offering. She doesn’t consume it.

If you are Pro-Choice and searching the bible for any sort of justification for abortion, you’ll probably find your “gotcha” moment. Confirmation bias is a powerful thing. But before you turn to Tiktok, Reddit, or any other app to spread your conclusions, consider trying to understand the passage and seek out some credible commentary. You’ll find an explanation. Perhaps you won’t like it, but it’ll get excluded from your abortion arguments. If you’re going to use the bible as a level of authority, you’ll have to appeal to the rules and understanding of that authority. If you don’t want to, it’s best to stick to non-religious arguments. Frankly, serious Pro-Life advocates have two points: “Science tells us it’s a life at conception, therefore it has a right to life.”

Abortion isn’t judgment from God. It isn’t war. It isn’t natural. It isn’t compassionate or kind. Abortion is the deliberate killing of an innocent, unborn human child. In her limited wisdom, a woman may come to the conclusion that it’s the best decision for her and her child at the time. But that’s the problem. Our wisdom is limited. You can’t possibly know. You can make whatever justifications to convince yourself that you made the right call. After all, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,” (Proverbs 12:15). But if you’re a Bible-believing Christian, abortion is never the answer. Jesus is, and he came to give us life and life more abundantly, so choose life.