What "He Gets Us" Doesn't Get About Jesus

What "He Gets Us" Doesn't Get About Jesus

God doesn’t need a PR team to edit him and become more presentable to mankind; we need to seek a greater understanding of God to grasp the fullness of his goodness. The same God in Genesis and Revelation is the same God in the Gospels, and he’s been perfectly loving the entire time, even in demonstrations of his wrath and judgment.

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The Critics Hate "Nefarious," and it's Hilarious

The Critics Hate "Nefarious," and it's Hilarious

But it is hilarious how much the critics hate the content, vindicating the monologues of the demon. Nefarious argues the beauty of their evil plot is that humans can’t even recognize what evil is. So, when they tackle the subject of abortion in the film—in a very honest manner—the critics see it as “propaganda.” There was even a scene when Dr. Martin tries to virtue signal to the demon about how humanity is actually winning because it’s so inclusive now!

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Pro-Choice "Christian" from Michigan Votes Against Medical Care for Abortion Survivors

Pro-Choice "Christian" from Michigan Votes Against Medical Care for Abortion Survivors

The Born Alive Survivors Protection Act isn’t about protecting abortion; the woman has already had one. It’s about saving a newborn who survived the assassination attempt, so it’s not about what happens in the mother’s womb. But politicians like Scholten are trying to protect the intent of abortion and shield the conscience of Americans. To continue making legislation and protections around the survivor is a reminder the child was a victim of violence.

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Religious Bigotry of Whitmer, Nessel, and Benson

Religious Bigotry of Whitmer, Nessel, and Benson

The religious bigotry from Gretchen Whitmer, Dana Nessel, and Jocelyn Benson has gone too far, and it’s rarely addressed. These people don’t believe in mutual respect; they believe in ideological submission.

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Media Matter's Hit on Allie Stuckey Proves the Left Hates Christians

Media Matter's Hit on Allie Stuckey Proves the Left Hates Christians

It doesn’t make sense to be angry that a Christian has a Christian podcast where they teach Christian concepts and values. Media Matters could have saved some time and plainly wrote: “Stuckey is a danger because she’s a sincere Christian, has the gull to be vocal about it, and wants her audience to vote.”

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Christian Influencer: "Your Abortion Also Saved Your Life," to a Woman Who Traded Her Child for a Chance at Gold

Christian Influencer: "Your Abortion Also Saved Your Life," to a Woman Who Traded Her Child for a Chance at Gold

The women Emmanuel Acho selected had conversations about their lives, their experiences, their dreams, their feelings, and their expectations, and they never took the time to reflect on God’s commandments and what he would have wanted for them.

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Of Course, the Bible is Blatantly Against Abortion

Of Course, the Bible is Blatantly Against Abortion

A curious trend has emerged within the Pro-Choice community: using the bible to justify abortion. In most cases, these abortion defenders don’t even truly believe in the bible or the Christian God; they simply want to own the Christians. If you’re not well-versed in the scriptures, you may be swayed or at least stumped. So, let’s debunk this once and for all.

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"Non-Religious" Americans Push Their Beliefs in Politics

"Non-Religious" Americans Push Their Beliefs in Politics

Non-religious people make political arguments rooted in their beliefs all of the time. “No one should have to work more than one job. We should all make a livable wage. Businesses that can’t pay a livable wage shouldn’t exist. No one should have to pay for healthcare.” Those are all moral arguments.

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Profanity Debate: Kirk Franklin Apologized, But Some Believe He Did Nothing Wrong

Profanity Debate: Kirk Franklin Apologized, But Some Believe He Did Nothing Wrong

Franklin’s apology was appropriate. Though it was a private family disagreement, it came to light publicly and hurt some in the church world. However, some of his defenders decided to die on a hill as if he did nothing wrong at all. Some saints are dismissing Franklin’s profanity, admitting they talk to their children in similar ways.

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