Michigan's Upcoming Gender Apocalypse

On November 8, Michiganders have the opportunity to fight off the upcoming gender apocalypse or to completely embrace the leftist hellscape. Hiding inside of a proposed constitutional amendment—falsely touted as a restoration of what was lost during Roe v. Wade’s overturning—is a parent’s worst nightmare. Proposal 3 is far beyond an abortion bill. It will leave children wide open to a lobby of butchers who profit off of Frankensteining young and confused people.

The Reproductive Freedom for All proposal will change the Michigan constitution to grant the right of sterilization and all things related to pregnancy—which would include sex (though purposely not mentioned)—to “every individual.” Minors would be included in “every individual.” It says you cannot discriminate against an individual to stop them from exercising their reproductive freedom, so how can you discriminate against them according to their age? And there is no mention in the amendment of parental consent requirements or notifications. Yet, the amendment does protect an activist if they help an individual achieve their reproductive freedom. The state can take no action against them.

It is true there are laws in place requiring parental consent, such as abortion laws. But the ballot summary itself says it will “invalidate state laws conflicting with this amendment.” Steve Liedel, attorney for the ballot campaign, claims the proposal summary is inaccurate and the measure would only definitely strike down the 1931 ban “unless prosecutors or executive officials deem them unenforceable, or a judge rules them unconstitutional.”

Well, that’s the problem. They’re changing the constitution, and the constitution trumps state laws. The amendment says the state can make laws about reproductive freedom if there is a compelling state interest, but one of the requirements is that it doesn’t interfere with the autonomous decision-making of the individual.

Right now, if a minor wants an abortion and cannot get permission from either parent, a judge can bypass them. How empowered will an activist judge be knowing that a child has a constitutional right to an abortion and sterilization?

Some defenders of Prop 3 have noted some doctors won’t even give adult women hysterectomies or tie their tubes. Why would they perform life-altering surgery on a child? Well, doctors do that now. Detransitioners like Chloe Cole went on puberty blockers at 13 and her healthy breasts were removed by 15. Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher performs 400-500 gender-affirmations surgeries a year, and she promotes her Miami sex-change business to her 280,000 followers on TikTok to young and vulnerable teens. She dubs herself “Dr. Teetus Deletus.” If Canada is willing to euthanize young men for being blind and diabetic, why is it so hard to grasp that doctors would be willing to permanently harm children?

Gender-affirming bottom surgeries are not the only concern parents should have. Lupron is the puberty blocker given to children, and it’s also given to sexual predators to chemically castrate them. Democrats claim the context of Prop 3 makes it clear sterilization is only related to pregnancy, but women go through puberty to prepare for pregnancy. You have a lot of wiggle room when you include the words “not limited.” And the amendment was obviously crafted by gender ideologues since they never utter the word “woman” or “female.” Planned Parenthood advertises puberty blockers to minors. After all, Planned Parenthood is in the gender-bender business. They refer children to where they can get puberty blockers, and they supply hormones. Detransitioner Cat Cattison called Planned Parenthood, had a 30-minute conversation, and was then prescribed testosterone over the phone. It’s no wonder that Planned Parenthood is backing Prop 3. It’s not only to continue their abortion business (Michigan has 30,000 abortions yearly), but they also want Michigan to be a haven for gender dysphoria.

Sex reassignment surgery was valued to be a 1.9 billion industry in 2021 and is expected to grow to $5 billion by the end of the decade. Young people who start their journey of puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery become lifelong customers of Big Pharma. Scott Newgent, a transman who warns against chemical and surgical transitioning, is no longer taking hormones but has done permanent damage to her body. Scott also constantly gets infections from having a shot immune system and doesn’t want to see anyone else become a slave to medications.

When citizens cannot pay out of pocket, organizations like Planned Parenthood lobby for the government or insurance companies to cover the costs. For example, Planned Parenthood in California lobbied the government to force Christian organizations to pay for abortions. California also recently passed a bill allowing insurance companies to hide abortions and sex surgeries from policyholders (who are normally parents).

The fact Proposal 3 mentions nothing of parental requirements should scare every parent. Parents have lost custody of their children for not going along with the gender madness. A Virginia Democrat even introduced a bill to “expand the definition of child abuse and neglect to include parents who do not affirm their child’s gender identity or sexual orientation.”

Abigail Martinez (California) lost custody of her daughter, Yaeli, after activists convinced her it was the best way to transition. Instead of living life happy as a boy, she stepped in front of a train. The activists, nor the judge who removed Yaeli from Martinez’s custody, aren’t the ones who have to mourn Yaeli every day. That burden is placed on the mother’s heart.

Jeanette Cooper (Illinois), a democrat feminist, lost custody of her daughter because she refused to accept there was something wrong with her body. Her 12-year-old left for a normal visitation with her father (who married a pro-transgender psychotherapist), and she never came home. The court sided with Cooper’s ex, and now she can only communicate with her daughter through letters.

But even some parents who offer consent, will grant it under duress, after being blackmailed with common phrases like, “Would you rather have a son or a dead daughter?” They’re told if they do not affirm, their child will commit suicide. And doctors are more commonly being discouraged to get to the root of a child’s dysphoria. In Canada, “conversion therapy,” which is anything other than affirmation, is banned. It is also illegal in some states, like New York.

Cattison criticized WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) for believing adolescents can be emotionally mature enough to consent to treatment. Cattison points out brains do not finish developing until the age of 25, and if minors can’t consent to sex before 18, can’t drink alcohol until 21, or rent a car before 25, “Why does WPATH and the AAP [American Academy of Pediatrics] consider them capable of consenting to experimental drugs and disfiguring surgery?”

The Michigan Department of Education is going all in with gender identity. In a training session, they featured TikTok videos of young people struggling with gender dysphoria, highlighting things like chest binders. They also promoted the idea that genders are assigned at birth and prepared teachers on liability questions if trans students commit suicide.

Christians and Muslims recently united last Thursday at a Dearborn school board meeting to protest LGBTQ-themed books in their libraries. Republican attorney general candidate Matt DePerno was there, along with candidate for secretary of state, Kristina Karamo. A few years ago, Karamo volunteered to sign up to be on the sex education advisory board for her daughters’ school in Detroit. The purpose of sex education in Michigan is supposed to be pregnancy prevention, yet she constantly had to push back against gender identity.

As Abigail Shrier wrote in her book Irreversible Damage, there is a social contagion element to transgenderism. The largest school district in Maryland saw a 582% increase in students identifying as non-binary in the past two years. This is obviously not occurring naturally. Detransitioners tell stories of being indoctrinated on sites like Tumblr, suffering from internalized misogyny, fear of being sexualized as a female, depression, and a host of other things. They self-diagnose gender dysphoria and the medical professional affirmed and then mutilated their bodies.

Democrats in Michigan are completely on board with gender identity and pushing it in schools. The Michigan Democrat Party infamously posted on social media that parents shouldn’t have a say in how their children are educated. “The society” will teach them what they need to know. Governor Gretchen Whitmer herself uses language like, “people with periods,” because she won’t admit only women can have them. Under her watch, Attorney General Dana Nessel has persecuted Christian organizations because of their policies regarding LGBTQ issues. Even Secretary Jocelyn Benson is from the Southern Poverty Law Center, where they routinely attack religious groups who aren’t Pro-LGBTQ. They aren’t going to protect parental rights. Gretchen Whitmer is “ridin’ with Biden,” who fully believes in affirmation via puberty blockers, hormones, and sex surgeries. The Biden Administration even changed Title IX protections, so if a school doesn’t allow a boy to play on girls’ sports teams or use their locker room, they’re at risk of losing their school lunch programs for low-income students. And how will the courts help us? Left-wing Justices like Richard H. Bernstein openly believe “life experiences” are more important quality for a judge, not how well you write, know, or respect the law. He also loves being a Democrat because they “actually want to make the world better.” What hope do you have when such aggressive ideologues run the state?

The only thing stopping Michigan from becoming the next California is the Republican majority in the legislature, but that is at risk now more than ever, thanks to redistricting. If we wake up on November 8 to a radical lame-duck governor and attorney general, a majority democrat legislature, and Prop 3 passed, parents will be powerless.

If Democrats wanted to repeal the 1931 abortion ban, they could have done that. If they wanted to “restore Roe v. Wade” they could have done that. That’s not what Prop 3 does. Even the abortion portion of the constitutional amendment is radical; it would allow late-term abortion and even beyond if a medical professional (not a doctor) signs off. It protects abortion traffickers, makes infanticide difficult—if not impossible—to prosecute, and will overturn many of the laws we have in place.

Michiganders should absolutely reject this proposal. If it passes, it will open our children and young women to abusers who profit from death and mutilation. I pray my state isn’t too far gone.