The Sad Truth About the US Mental Health Crisis

The Sad Truth About the US Mental Health Crisis

The adults in the room should talk about mental health, but I don’t think we have enough adults in meaningful positions of power to make a difference. Our country is unwell, and I don’t see much motivation to change that. Politicians, political commentators, the entertainment industry, academia, and even the medical industry have sold in on making Americans sick.

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Should Conservatives Concede the Gay Marriage Debate?

Should Conservatives Concede the Gay Marriage Debate?

This threat of radical gender theory is where many on the right would like to direct our attention. However, the redefining of marriage and gender identity has glaring similarities: the rejection of gender roles and key distinctions rooted in biological realities.

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Michigan's Upcoming Gender Apocalypse

Michigan's Upcoming Gender Apocalypse

Hiding inside of a proposed constitutional amendment—falsely touted as a restoration of what was lost during Roe v. Wade’s overturning—is a parent’s worst nightmare. Proposal 3 is far beyond an abortion bill. It will leave children wide open to a lobby of butchers who profit off of Frankensteining young and confused people.

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Michigan Governor and AG Support Child Sterilization Ballot Proposal

Michigan Governor and AG Support Child Sterilization Ballot Proposal

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel are among top Democrats supporting Proposal 3, that will open the door for sterilizations and abortions for minors, without parental consent.

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USA Today Snubs Women by Listing a Man Among "Women of the Year"

USA Today Snubs Women by Listing a Man Among "Women of the Year"

You’ve probably heard USA Today named Rachel Levine as a “Woman of the Year.” That’s a pretty remarkable accomplishment, considering Levine is a man. He was born a man, remains a man, and will die a man, yet has excelled above more than 166 million legitimate contenders.

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