White Liberals v. Minorities

I’ve observed something fascinating this election cycle: white liberals are just built different.

A month ago, I was able to convince a pro-choice black woman (who gathered signatures for “Reproductive Freedom for All”) into opposing Prop 3 in Michigan, simply by reading the entire thing out loud. She hadn’t connected the dots that there were no parental consent protections. And when I traveled across Metro Detroit, telling parents how minors would have the right to be sterilized and have abortions—without any mention of parental consent—they were up in arms about it. They believe it’s evil.

Only one group of people pushes back: white liberals.

First, they insist it’s not true. Then, they admit they’re willing to take the risk. After being pressed, they admit there shouldn’t be parental consent laws. I’ve recently discovered Democrats, the ACLU, and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan already tried to repeal parental consent twice. There’s literal documentation, yet they refuse to believe in the truth, even when it’s written in black and white and highlighted.

So why are they willing to sacrifice their own children—and yours—to a predatory industry that has the goal of your scared, vulnerable, perhaps embarrassed, or even coerced child wandering into an abortion clinic, without any waiting periods or true informed consent?

Rush Limbaugh used to say liberalism is a religion and abortion is their sacrament. And just like other major religions, they demand converts and want to take up offerings (in this case, the participants are unwilling). But it goes deeper than that.

Governor Kathy Hochul in New York seems annoyed that crime is continuously mentioned, and she doesn’t understand why challenger Lee Zeldin cares so much. In reality, crime is a top priority for voters. Hochul told CNN that Republicans are lying. Joy Behar claimed on The View that crime was going down. President Joe Biden said Democrats have a “great record” on it. But voters in New York and Pennsylvania live with a different perspective. Even Joe Scarborough from MSNBC blasted progressives for being so clueless about crime after listening to Black Democrat voters in Pennsylvania talk about how unsafe they felt. According to Pew Research, 81% of Black and 65% of Hispanic registered voters say violent crime is very important when making their decision in the 2022 congressional elections. Only young voters, postgrad students, and Democrats were below 50%. But the group who cared the least were liberals at 34%.

Penny and Ken Crider are a husband-and-wife team running for House seats in southeast Michigan. When they talk to voters on the ground, some ask for simple things like, “Can you get the police to show up?” Even though they’ve normally voted for Democrats, they’re willing to give them a shot.

At the first Michigan gubernatorial debate, Tudor Dixon called out Governor Gretchen Whitmer for contributing to low morale of law enforcement by supporting the “spirit of defund the police.” Whitmer tried to pass it off as mere rhetoric, but Dixon rebutted, “It must be so embarrassing for the governor that it’s actually on tape.” Dixon is correct. Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard said the shortages were “unprecedented.”

Perhaps the greatest disconnect is the devotion of leftists to double down on gender identity and sexual perversion in schools. Dylan Mulvaney recently visited the White House to interview President Joe Biden, even though Dylan is so awful at “girlhood,” some critics believe this Broadway actor is truly parodying trans people. The mainstream media and progressive Democrats fought so adamantly against Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill, even though it was widely popular. After all, what kind of weirdo is upset they can’t teach sexual orientation and gender identity to kids under 10? Yet it’s not hard to find multiple videos of educators distraught. Just take an afternoon scrolling through Libs of Tiktok’s Twitter page.

Michigan’s Attorney General Dana Nessel said there should be a “drag queen for every school,” and they lift up children when they’re having “emotional issues.” Governor Whitmer refused to condemn graphic sexual material in schools at her second debate with Tudor Dixon, calling it a “wedge” used by politicians to divide us.

Late-night host Stephen Colbert even mocked a story about a former democrat deciding to switch parties over this issue, refuting his existence. Well, Khalil Othman is a proud Muslim man from Dearborn, and he’ll be voting red.

Books that instruct kids how to go on apps to meet homosexuals shouldn’t be a “wedge issue.” That stuff doesn’t belong in school libraries. Yet, I’ve seen progressives defend it. They believe if your kid picks up a perverted book at school, that’s your problem. They think if a minor doesn’t want to tell their parent about undergoing a medical procedure, like abortion, that’s your problem. Yet they feel entitled to access your children because they think you’re raising them incorrectly.

Tiktok influencer “The Liberal Trucker” with over 90k followers, spoke out against Florida’s parental rights bill because he doesn’t believe parents are entitled to certain information regarding their children’s mental health. And after I condemned him and pointed to stories like Wendell Perez—who almost lost a daughter to suicide after the school hid their gender affirmation efforts from him—a flood of progressives insisted it was the father’s fault.

How is it possible that there can be such a huge disconnect? That in California, progressives can plot to recruit children into secret LGBTQ+ clubs, and show teachers in conservative areas how to get away with it? Why is the Michigan Department of Education promoting videos of chest binders and talking about “assigned genders?” Why did the Michigan Democrat Party make fun of parents who dare to think they have a say in their child’s education?

Why do celebrities like Chris Evans produce content parents don’t want to see and get angry for not supporting their films? The petition to put gay parents on Pepe Pig, an insanely popular children’s cartoon, has the answer. The children “are at an impressionable age,” and progressives want to impress their values on your malleable children, instead of yours.

They find virtue in their ideology. We think drag time story hour or taking field trips to gay bars is perverse. For a leftist, it’s nirvana. Exposing their children to a male performer’s flopping fake tits and spandex-covered crotch is how they help their child achieve enlightenment. Christians baptize their children in water; progressives baptize their children in sexual expression. While Christians encourage crucifying your destructive nature, progressives teach self-worship and gratification. “My body, my choice.” It may cost you your healthy breast or even a nearly viable baby, but the pursuit of satisfying ever-changing subjective truths is well worth it in the end. They believe this is love.

But a lot of minorities don’t see the world like that. Black Americans are more likely to attend church every week. They may vote Democrat out of habit, but they're not driven by the same things culturally. Hispanics have had a major shift from the Democrat party. Economics is an important reason, but culture is another. Asian Americans are also more conservative. If progressives continue to push their agenda—and continue trying to force your kids along—they’ll be the party of privileged elitists.  

Now, of course, there are progressive minorities. Sunny Housten believes Black Republicans are “oxymorons.” The irony is despite what she or recently fired MSNBC host Tiffany Cross thinks, people like black leftists are the ones being used as a cover for white progressives. Go read Color, Communism, and Common Sense. Using Black people to push radical ideas isn’t new. When Justice Clarence Thomas was nominated to the US Supreme Court, the NAACP promised to stay out of it at first. But feminist groups—full of white women—needed cover from a black organization, so the NAACP had to condemn Thomas. White progressives need black women like Erika D. Smith to call Larry Elder the “black face of white supremacy.” White progressives can’t come out and say something so absurd on their own…not until they get socially acceptable permission from their perfectly placed peers of color.

Stacey Abrams has blamed her low poll numbers on black men for a while. She told MSNBC that “black men have been a very targeted population for misinformation. Not misinformation about what they want but about why they want what they deserve.” Or could it be black men simply know their families deserve better than Stacey Abrams?

MSNBC contributor Shadi Hamid took to Twitter to voice his frustrations with his party. “There is something quite odd about white liberals lecturing people of color as if they’re little children who can’t correctly ascertain their own ‘true’ beliefs and interests.” Though Hamid is tribal and will continue voting blue himself, he can’t blame his Muslim friends with kids for voting a different way, when the Democrats quickly dismiss their concerns.

And Democrats will continue dismissing their concerns until they’re properly punished through a vote. Not all Democrats are insane, but they’ve allowed very insane people to take control. Even many former leaders who used to be considered “moderates” bow down to the radicals. Classic liberals are a rare breed. The modern-day liberals want to tear down every institution we hold dear, including the family structure and any religion that isn’t about self-worship.

If minorities want to protect their children and America’s future, they have to open their eyes and look to the white liberal on their left. They’re only smiling at you as a distraction. Meanwhile, there’s a knife positioned at the base of your spine.