White Liberals v. Minorities
/We think drag time story hour or taking field trips to gay bars is perverse. For a leftist, it’s nirvana. Exposing their children to a male performer’s flopping fake tits and spandex-covered crotch is how they help their child achieve enlightenment. Christians baptize their children in water; progressives baptize their children in sexual expression. While Christians encourage crucifying your destructive nature, progressives teach self-worship and gratification. “My body, my choice.” It may cost you your healthy breast or even a nearly viable baby, but the pursuit of satisfying ever-changing subjective truths is well worth it in the end. They believe this is love.
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Many have asked why Musk won’t simply apologize if it was all an honest misunderstanding. And the answer to that is simple: he did nothing wrong. It is not Musk’s responsibility to correct your imagination when his enemies offend you with a blatant smear.