The Left And Their Pedo Problem

Have you noticed a troubling pattern on the left? When the topic of pedophilia comes into the forefront, they fall all over themselves to accuse good citizens, who sound the alarm, of being QAnon. They’re desperate to dismiss criticism and concern as wild conspiracies. The same is happening today with Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

I noticed this before when the access media ran to defend Netflix’s Cuties, which was a hypersexualized coming of age story starring children. Harsh criticism was dismissed as QAnon and coordinated right-wing attacks. The truth is, people from both sides of the aisle thought Cuties was a film that went way too far. Celebrities, activists, and journalists went to bat for this film, throwing all integrity and honesty out of the window to protect an adolescent twerk competition.

Biden’s Supreme Court nominee is the new project of the left. After Senator Josh Hawley created a Twitter thread detailing Judge Jackson’s record regarding sentencing sex offenders, the media has done their best to belittle it. The fact-checkers have been going in overdrive—not to disprove Hawley’s thread—to minimalize Jackson’s record. ABC News wrote, “Fact check: Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson child porn sentences ‘pretty mainstream.’” I’m not sure why they think that makes it any better. Senator Cory Booker said he feels bad for a judge that was mentioned by name during the hearing because Republicans are “exploiting the complexities of the justice system.”

CNN’s legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said Hawley’s line of questioning against Jackson “is about appealing to the QAnon audience.” If I were CNN, I wouldn’t have a man recently suspended for pleasuring himself on a Zoom call with coworkers, to offer his two cents. Toobin also impregnated a colleague’s daughter and tried to pressure her into having an abortion. CNN also had recent trouble with the Cuomos sexual assault allegations and two producers being arrested for sex crimes.

The Daily Beast said Hawley was, “on the verge of becoming the Senator from QAnon.”

White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates said Hawley was “embarrassing,” and his words were a “QAnon-signaling smear.” Considering White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki called Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Bill “disgusting,” which is a bill meant to protect children from being taught about sexual orientation and gender ideology in K-3 or in an inappropriate manner, the White House may wanna sit all the way down.

Bates is also wrong. It’s not a smear. The facts are, Jackson had several instances where she decided to give lighter sentences to criminals with child pornography, lower than the recommended guidelines.

Granted, Jackson had that discretion. She explained in the confirmation hearings that child pornography is far more accessible than the days of snail mail. Perhaps her thinking is that more determination equates to the likelihood of being a true pedophile. But the fact child porn is more accessible today shouldn’t equal lighter sentences. It means the victims have a greater opportunity to be repeatedly victimized.

And the oddest thing about QAnon propaganda is they believe in much more bizarre things than pedophiles hiding within the elites of the world. When Donald Trump was still president, the press developed a bit of an obsession with QAnon and wanted Trump to denounce them. After reminding Trump they believed he was going to save the world from a satanic cult of pedophiles, he asked: “Is that supposed to be a bad thing?”

Again, QAnon believes some very strange things, mixing apocalyptic bible verses with their political hero. Yet, the media was fixated on the pedophile angle as if they were personally offended.

There are obviously high-profile predators like Jeffrey Epstein, who frequently visited the White House while Bill Clinton was president. Bill Clinton was pictured with one of Epstein’s alleged sex slaves and was still invited to speak at the 2020 DNC convention. Epstein’s close associate Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted of recruiting and grooming teenage girls, yet we’re still waiting on details regarding her client list.

The point is, there are sickos in this world. Whether they’re riding high in the Lolita Express, working in Disney theme parks, or trafficking children across the southern border, these people need to be brought to justice. The American people are owed an explanation on Judge Jackson’s sentencing because it speaks to her judgment. This is a lifetime appointment and nothing to take lightly. The White House and the media should not pretend like everyone who cares is QAnon, and they should stop pretending like the Republicans aren’t asking valid questions.

But if Democrats want to squash conspiracies, they could start by not taking the side of sexual deviants over the safety of children.