The Left And Their Pedo Problem

The Left And Their Pedo Problem

Biden’s Supreme Court nominee is the new project of the left. After Senator Josh Hawley created a Twitter thread detailing Judge Jackson’s record regarding sentencing sex offenders, the media has done their best to belittle it. The fact-checkers have been going in overdrive—not to disprove Hawley’s thread—to minimalize Jackson’s record.

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Obama Disses Black Trump Voters

Obama Disses Black Trump Voters

Obama alleges that Trump’s “macho” style is an appeal. People are attracted to strong leaders, but he isn’t a different person today than he was in 2016. If Trump’s personality was only worth 8% of the black vote while running against a woman, why did it increase 50% while running against another man?

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Major Pedophile Scandals of Netflix

Major Pedophile Scandals of Netflix

In light of the backlash Netflix has been facing with the announcement and release of Cuties, let’s take a look at the controversy and other scandals surrounding this major streaming service.

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Netflix Cuties is Worse than We Feared

Netflix Cuties is Worse than We Feared

Most shockingly, is the number of people willing to defend it. There’s a huge disconnect between the Rotten Tomatoes critic and audience score. Some critics are simply happy that “right-wingers” are triggered by child pornography, but why is protecting children and scolding pedophilia a one-sided issue?

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