The Sad Truth About the US Mental Health Crisis

Monday, the United States suffered another mass shooting at a Christian school in Nashville, TN, taking the lives of three nine-year-olds and three staffers. The shooter was a 28-year-old female, but US Today and The New York Times truly want people to know she identifies as a man.

There are already horrible hot takes. Benjamin Ryan, a contributor to NBC and other mainstream media networks, made sure to point out the shooting happened in the hometown of the Daily Wire, and called it “a hub of anti-trans activity.” He deleted it.

The Washington Post drew attention to Tennessee Congressman Andy Ogles, because he and his family posed with guns on a Christmas card back in 2021. Their post has also been deleted, and Ogles said he has no regrets for celebrating his second amendment rights. Of course, Ogles and his family didn’t shoot up a school. He’s literally not the bad guy.

According to Chasten Buttigieg, husband to the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, “It’s the guns.” Yes, let’s blame the inanimate object.

So, of course, we’re now locked into a conversation about firearms. Randi Weingarten called for bold action and invoked Australia as an example. Of course, Australia had a mandatory gun buyback. Since we have the Second Amendment, she is obviously an unserious person.

There are calls for assault weapons bans, and the White House wants AR-15s out of civilian’s hands. Mind you, President Joe Biden hasn’t condemned his son for lying on an AFT form to receive a gun. What’s the point of disarming the obeying citizens if the government has little to no intention of punishing the criminals?

The adults in the room should talk about mental health, but I don’t think we have enough adults in meaningful positions of power to make a difference. Our country is unwell, and I don’t see much motivation to change that. Politicians, political commentators, the entertainment industry, academia, and even the medical industry have sold in on making Americans sick.

Instead of people taking accountability for their actions, and their emotions, and figuring out how to process, cope, and thrive in the world around them, we do the exact opposite. There’s no accountability. Everything is someone else’s fault: it’s racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. We condition people to act as if they’re an NPC moving through life, controlled and manipulated by a system of programming. And when a clinical psychologist like Dr. Jordan Peterson encourages taking accountability for things you can control, he’s penned in Marvel Comics as the Red Skull and the men he’s helped are mocked as Nazi sympathizers.

During the 2020 riots, if you complained about looting, you were scolded. “You care about things more than you care about black lives.” These criminals had the excuse of being the “cries of the unheard.” I will never forget how an elderly man was attacked in Kenosha, WI, and how a black woman proceeded to justify it to horrified onlookers as they nursed his broken jaw. “We’re trying to protect ourselves. You don’t understand what terrifies these black men out here. They’re not making it home to their families. Understand respect! How ‘bout that?”

The narrative built by BLM and their sympathizers, as if the police are out to kill them, is not true. But it’s placed gigantic chips on the shoulders of plenty of hoodlums.

We can’t have honest conversations anymore because we want to destroy our neighbors instead of understanding them. We jump to the vilest extremes just to dunk on our opponents. If you’re against abortion, it’s because you hate women and want to control them. It can’t possibly be because…they think the mother and the child both have equal rights and don’t deserve to be killed! If you didn’t support Obamacare, you were trying to kill grandma. There’s a famous campaign ad of a mock Paul Ryan wheeling a grandmother off a cliff. Senator Rand Paul said when James T. Hodgkinson was trying to kill Republicans at a congressional baseball practice, he was yelling about protecting healthcare.

On top of all that, we stole two years of people’s lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. Children couldn’t see their friends in school, we couldn’t see our loved ones in nursing homes and hospitals, and “non-essential businesses” were shut down but Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Speaker Nancy Pelosi could get their hair done, and governors Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom could hang out in restaurants with friends.

But the most remarkable example is that of the trans community. We should have sympathy for people who are suffering outside of their control. We don’t need to stigmatize, but the world is doing the opposite. They are glorifying and celebrating transgenderism as if it’s a virtue. William “Lia” Thomas was celebrated by ESPN for Woman’s History Month after Thomas took away titles that belonged to women and made teammates uncomfortable by having his penis allegedly exposed in locker rooms. It is believed that Thomas has autogynephilia. Dylan Mulvaney, who has over 10 million followers on Tiktok, has been congratulated by the Vice President on “365 Days of Girlhood.” What other women have received such an honor? Especially for singing about normalizing the “bulge” and rating women’s bathrooms?

Gender dysphoria is a real mental illness, but if you say that, you’re met with scorn. At the same time, if you don’t respect someone’s pronouns, you’ll be accused of believing these people “don’t exist,” as if they’ll drop down dead like a fairy in Peter Pan if you don’t clap and say, “I do believe in pronouns! I do! I do!” Even worse, we’re told we must affirm everyone’s gender identity or they will commit suicide. The medical industry scares parents half to death at the threat of their children self-harming, so they go down a path of chemical castration drugs, hormones, and then chopping off healthy sex organs. Creepily enough, they’re also building an expectation of suicide. Instead of acknowledging that individual has control of their emotions—even when the world won’t affirm their identity—the blame is automatically and firmly placed on the cruel and unaccepting world.

This is not healthy.

Yet the fanfare and praise of celebrities like Ellen “Elliot” Page or social media influencers attract young and vulnerable people, leading them to self-diagnose their depression, anxiety, internalized misogyny, etc. as dysphoria. And whether it’s because of ideology or money, whistleblowers have noted the medical “professionals” in this field of medicine aren’t too inclined to question one’s self-perception.

But if you say a woman is a woman, the internet mob will battle you until you concede and call it a “vibe” like Macy Gray. And, please, be careful what you put on the internet, because Dylan Mulvaney is “concerned” about your transphobic tweets and what might happen to you. Fae Johntstone, who was recently featured on a Hershey’s bar for their Her She campaign, was a lot less passive-aggressive. He simply wants women who won’t affirm his gender identity to be villainized until they are too afraid to speak out against him.

We don’t have objective morality. We don’t even believe in objective truth. Everyone has “their truth.” No wonder a movie about a suicidal lesbian, burdened by the infinite spectrum of possibilities of the multiverse, just swept the Oscars, especially since her traditional immigrant mother and grandfather learned to accept her.

You can be any gender you want, any species you want; you just can’t change your race (yet) because people of color have been too marginalized! Everything else is possible, and everything else will be accepted…unless you want to be a “trad wife.” Traditional wives are apparently about “romanticizing an era where sexism and racism ruled.”

This isn’t the way you enlighten or evolve a nation; this is how you destroy it. We are miserable, angry, and deeply confused, and not enough people want to stop it.