Kamala Harris is Unworthy of this Historic Moment

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris takes the Oath of Office on the platform of the U.S. Capitol during the 59th Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C., Jan. 20, 2021.

When Kamala Harris became the first female vice president, I wouldn’t dawn a pair of pearls and Chuck Taylors in solidarity with proud women nationwide. Frankly, I wasn’t proud. Out of all the Democrats who graced the 2020 presidential debate stage in the primary, Harris was, undoubtedly, my absolute least favorite.

It wasn’t only her radical campaign policies that concerned me, such as banning fracking, ending private health care, mandatory gun buybacks, weakness on the border, and so on.

It wasn’t only that Harris came off as one of the most insincere politicians in the game. Her only standout performance during the primary was when she accused Biden of trying to keep her from integrating into public school, even though her school wasn’t segregated. Harris even had T-shirts prepared. When Steven Colbert asked about her brutal attack against Biden, she laughed and said, “It was a debate.” Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard annihilated her on the debate stage for bragging that she smoked weed while having a history of putting men behind bars over the drug. During the Kavanaugh hearings, Harris announced that she believed Christine Ford without hearing either testimony. And the list goes on.

It’s not only that I feared what she would do if she wielded that sort of power since she had a history of going after pro-life activist David Daleiden for exposing Planned Parenthood for selling baby body parts and laughed at Joe Biden for saying you can’t use executive orders to go after firearms.

It’s not even that I find her rise to politics by being Willie Brown’s side chick while he was a married man, as entirely unethical.

All these things, and more, led me to conclude that Harris just wouldn’t be good at the job. When it came to my anticipated disappointment in her performance, that is one area Kamala Harris didn’t fail to live up to my expectations.

The American people know the economy isn’t doing well. Though Biden and certain media personalities have been gaslighting the American people, the Labor Department admitted almost one million of the alleged jobs created under the Biden administration don’t exist. Dangerous men from all over the world are illegally crossing the border, and women and children are being raped and murdered. Kamala Harris was known as the “border czar,” and there may be nearly 300,000 illegal migrant children lost to DHS. The Afghanistan pullout was an extraordinary embarrassment, and Kamala Harris was the last person in the room when Biden made the disastrous decision. Harris wants to run on the sacred right of bodily autonomy, but I can’t forget that the unconstitutional OSHA mandates did or nearly cost people their jobs, including close family of mine. Thank God for the conservative majority court, who put a stop to their authoritative stupidity.

But we’re supposed to clap, swoon, and be swept up in history. No! Not “history.” HERSTORY!

But what if she’s unworthy? Former First Lady Michelle Obama spoke at the DNC about how some people don’t have the luxury of failing forward, and we can’t change the rules to win, and when we see a mountain, there’s not a golden escalator to take people like Kamala Harris to the top.

In reality, the DNC nominated a candidate who crashed and bombed during her presidential run in 2020 and received no votes in 2024. They forced out the real winner, Joe Biden, because they feared the American people would choose Donald Trump over him. Kamala Harris is the vice president because of “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Biden announced he would pick a woman, he was pressured into choosing a black woman, and he himself said Harris was a DEI hire. On top of all that, Harris got her political start by being appointed to different boards, that she lacked the qualifications for, thanks to her lover, Willie Brown, that paid her around $400,000 over just a couple of years. The “godfather” of California politics introduced her to the right people, the right donors, and helped her from there. No, she didn’t rise to the top via a golden escalator. She did something far less PG than that.

But many women take advantage of their beauty in a world where men are willing to pay compensation. I find it distasteful, but many women will not. That’s not the main contention I have about Kamala clearly not earning her position based on merit.

She’s been the presumed candidate for over 30 days, and she hasn’t had an interview or press conference yet. To date, there isn’t even a policy page on her website. Instead, the Democrats are obsessed with attacking Project 2025, which isn’t even Donald Trump’s platform or policy agenda. She hasn’t had to explain many of her past stated radical policies and record as a senator. Her walkbacks are hearsay from aides. She has been scripted in front of crowds and muzzled at other times. Are the American people going to allow this for four years? Because she’s not going to suddenly change, especially since the media is coddling her and rewarding her bad behavior with glowing coverage. They’re even rewriting what they’ve previously reported about her. There’s a serious question if she’s even up for the job. If you need to be hidden from the world, that’s a bad sign. It’s a strategy, and it appears to be working thus far, but it’s disgraceful.

Her proposed economic policies are awful, and she should have to answer for it. Price caps on things like rent and groceries lead to shortages and black markets, and grocery stores are not “price gouging.” Harris and Biden want to blame their economic problems that exacerbated inflation on corporate greed, and it’s financially irresponsible. Harris’s father was a Marxist. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, her vice-presidential pick, said, “One man’s socialism is another man’s neighborliness” and has praised communist China. Harris is a radical, and she’s running on price controls. As New York Times columnist David Brooks put it, Harris’ plans “expresses a level of economic illiteracy which is kind of surprising in a responsible Democratic candidate.” It’s not actually surprising though, since Harris is not a responsible Democratic candidate.

It will be surprising if the voters allow her to get away with it. But as Harris once said, “Because as we all know, elections matter. And when folks vote, they order what they want, and in this case, they got what they asked for.”

If you want a president who doesn’t have the courage to defend her policies, who has backstabbed those in front of her to get ahead, demonstrated a desire to throw your liberties out the window, and is openly marching the land of the free toward a communistic agenda, I suppose we will get what we deserve.

But I’m not going to be proud of that just because she has brown skin and a vagina, especially when she thinks a man in a wig and a dress with an imagination also qualifies as a woman.

My parents raised me to believe I could do anything I put my mind to, and they never added “despite being a female.” I can achieve anything I put my mind to because I am the deciding factor. So, I don’t need Kamala Harris to become the first female president to believe that it’s possible. In this day and age, I know that it is. But I don’t want her to be the first. She’s unworthy of the title. I, preferably, want someone who is competent enough to do a good job. And if I can’t at least have that, I would at least respect someone who earned it. “Herstory” deserves more than a victory with an asterisk next to the achievement.