Why the Democrats "Authoritarian" Criticism Didn't Work on Trump Voters

Why the Democrats "Authoritarian" Criticism Didn't Work on Trump Voters

The media and many Democrats have bought the hype of Trump being a dictator, but their fictionalized worldview of Donald Trump didn’t materialize outside the borders of their delusional minds.

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Kamala Harris is Unworthy of this Historic Moment

Kamala Harris is Unworthy of this Historic Moment

If you want a president who doesn’t have the courage to defend her policies, who has backstabbed those in front of her to get ahead, demonstrated a desire to throw your liberties out the window, and is openly marching the land of the free toward a communistic agenda, I suppose we will get what we deserve.

But I’m not going to be proud of that just because she has brown skin and a vagina, especially when she thinks a man in a wig and a dress with an imagination also qualifies as a woman.

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Yes, Vivek Ramaswamy Supports 59% Inheritance Tax

Yes, Vivek Ramaswamy Supports 59% Inheritance Tax

“My response is that we should think of inheritance taxes not just as a way of redistributing wealth, but a way of redistributing duty. Yes, by definition preventing parents from creating dynasties is a restriction on their liberty. Civilization itself amounts to a collective agreement for each individual to give up some liberties so that the group can prosper.”

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Governor Whitmer's Racial Discrepancy Problem

Governor Whitmer's Racial Discrepancy Problem

If Whitmer is truly “committed” to making Michigan a “model for equality, understanding, and fairness,” she shouldn’t want to lead a state where half the abortion business comes from black bodies.

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The Democrats Plot to Steal America

The Democrats Plot to Steal America

Saul Alinksy wrote in his Rules for Radicals to “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt.” This is what Democrats are doing when it comes to election integrity.

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GOP Makes a Case for Election Fraud in Detroit

GOP Makes a Case for Election Fraud in Detroit

James is not conceding his race, and experts on the ground are advising him to fight. Finding over 80,000 votes to change the outcome of his election is a daunting and virtually impossible task, unless major fraud is discovered. Based on experience, Republicans are holding out hope and are determined to fight.

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Never Trumpers Are Never Victory

Never Trumpers Are Never Victory

The truth is, Trump is a disruptor. Never Trumpers rather maintain decorum than win or get anything done. Whether they seek adulation from foes who despise them like Senator Mitt Romney or profess a “why can’t we all get along” attitude like former Governor John Kasich, they’d rather lose than lead.

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The Acosta Diaries

The Acosta Diaries

If the press tries to blast President Trump, he’s going to use Ultra Instinct to ride their wave of hatred and throw a Kamehameha Wave pointblank in their faces. He loves having an enemy to fight, and CNN has to fight Trump for ratings (and because they despise him).

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