Kamala Harris is Unworthy of this Historic Moment

Kamala Harris is Unworthy of this Historic Moment

If you want a president who doesn’t have the courage to defend her policies, who has backstabbed those in front of her to get ahead, demonstrated a desire to throw your liberties out the window, and is openly marching the land of the free toward a communistic agenda, I suppose we will get what we deserve.

But I’m not going to be proud of that just because she has brown skin and a vagina, especially when she thinks a man in a wig and a dress with an imagination also qualifies as a woman.

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Republicans Shouldn't Focus on the Fact Kalama Harris is a DEI Pick (Even Though She Is)

Republicans Shouldn't Focus on the Fact Kalama Harris is a DEI Pick (Even Though She Is)

Critics on the Right have been referring to Vice President Kamala Harris as a DEI pick, and that has offended her supporters and mainstream news anchors. Many are stating that it’s racist and sexist. It’s an absolutely unnecessary attack from the Right with no political upside, but they’re probably stating it for one reason: it’s true.

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