Senator Bernie Sanders Claims Racism Played a Role in the Midterms

Senator Bernie Sanders Claims Racism Played a Role in the Midterms

Republicans were open-minded and embraced a black man running to represent them in the U.S. Senate. John James was by far the top Republican of the 2018 midterms in Michigan. It was the Democrats who, according to Bernie, found it too difficult to pull the lever for a black man.

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The Acosta Diaries

The Acosta Diaries

If the press tries to blast President Trump, he’s going to use Ultra Instinct to ride their wave of hatred and throw a Kamehameha Wave pointblank in their faces. He loves having an enemy to fight, and CNN has to fight Trump for ratings (and because they despise him).

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Dear Women Voters

Dear Women Voters

I’m a black millennial woman that has lived my whole life in Oakland County, most of that time in Pontiac. I’m the demographic Democrats claim to champion for, but that’s not true. If you abandon the GOP as a referendum on Trump, you’ll aid a party that openly despises civility, under the guise of championing for people like me when, in reality, they are a detriment to my community, our constitution, and our unalienable rights.

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