The Quest To Become God

The Quest To Become God

You have no rights without the right to life. If you believe a woman has the sole responsibility and authority to decide whether a human being is entitled to that sacred right, then you are rejecting “unalienable rights,” whether you believe a “Creator” endowed them or not. Abortion is a quest to not only reject God but become God.

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Did the White House, Justice Department, and NSBA Conspire Against Parents?

Democrats have furiously referred to Justice Neil Gorsuch’s seat as “stolen.” Many Republicans felt as though they were responsible for saving the country. Given Garland’s recent and blatantly partisan attack on concerned parents, America dodged a massive bullet.

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Obama Disses Black Trump Voters

Obama Disses Black Trump Voters

Obama alleges that Trump’s “macho” style is an appeal. People are attracted to strong leaders, but he isn’t a different person today than he was in 2016. If Trump’s personality was only worth 8% of the black vote while running against a woman, why did it increase 50% while running against another man?

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Who Checks the Fact-Checkers?

Who Checks the Fact-Checkers?

Every day, politically engaged social media users dread being dinged by “independent fact-checkers” and rated as “false.” Spreading fake news is awful, but it’s always puzzling when websites flag an article or image that is objectively true.

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Georgia and the Democrat's Identity Crisis

Georgia and the Democrat's Identity Crisis

Senator Manchin can try to ease the minds of Americans by convincing them Democrats haven’t gone fully progressive, but as long as the enthusiasm and power come from the far left, he won’t be able to beat them back.

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