The Democrats Plot to Steal America

There is a plot to steal America, and it’s happening right in front of our eyes. Saul Alinksy wrote in his Rules for Radicals to “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt.” This is what Democrats are doing when it comes to election integrity.

The Georgia voting law is incredibly generous when it comes to voting rights, yet politicians and corporations are committed to spreading misinformation. It’s “Jim Crow 2.0” even though Representative Burgess Owens, who lived under real Jim Crow, finds the comparison ridiculous. Pastor Frankie Vega was one of the many clergies who met with Governor Brian Kemp to voice concerns about the law, and he explained the governor debunked the myths and hysteria. Kemp even told Vega that corporations and athletic departments also received thorough explanations, so any statements they made were out of political posturing—not reality.

But why did President Joe Biden encourage the MLB to pull their All-Star game from Georgia, costing the state over $100 million in tourism revenue? Why did he say, “It makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle?” What does that even mean? Why is Senator Raphael Warnock claiming a law that allows for early voting, drop boxes, and any reason absentee “suppression?”

It’s because the Democrats are obsessed with passing H.R.1. aka “For the People Act.” The goal is to paint a picture that state governments, filled with Republicans who believe the “big lie” about Biden stealing the election, cannot be trusted to run local elections. Even though Republican governors like Kemp did not go along with Trump’s stolen election narrative, Warnock believes his state is not reliable. For that reason, he and other elected Democrats are advocating to strip power away from their constituents by transferring local power to the federal government.

This would impose unnecessary unconstitutional mandates to states, that would compromise the security of our elections, blow up their costs, and aggressively centralize our elections. The question is why?

Travel back with me to 2016. Barrack Obama was still the president, and most people believed Hillary Clinton was going to clean Donald Trump’s clock in the election. Trump said the election is “rigged.” Whether Trump believed people would do shady stuff at the polls or he was referring to the media’s unfair treatment, Obama thought he was silly.

When a reporter asked Obama if he could guarantee the election would be fair, he was flabbergasted by the stupidity. “The federal government doesn’t run the election process. States and cities and communities all across the country, they’re the ones who set up the voting system and the voting booths. And if Mr. Trump is suggesting that there is a conspiracy theory that is being propagated across the country—including in places like Texas, where typically it’s not Democrats who are in charge of voting booths—that’s ridiculous.”

Now, Obama’s massive bashing didn’t stop Democrats and media pundits from theorizing that Russia stole the election for Trump, but he had a point back then. It is extraordinarily difficult to steal an election while states have local control. Even counties across a state like Michigan have different ballots, voting machines, etc. Keeping elections in the hands of the state is not only a liberty issue; it’s a security issue.

And Democrats know this. They want to compromise our voting process, so they can guarantee an outcome they agree with. H.R.1. was not the beginning of their hostile takeover. Eric Holder, Obama’s former Attorney General and “wingman” began a project across the country to control the redistricting process. While the 2020 election didn’t quite pan out the way he wanted, he did gain some victories in states like Michigan back in 2018. Instead of elected legislators creating the voting districts, an unelected panel will do that. But it doesn’t matter if Holder failed. His plot is also included in H.R.1.

Time Magazine was even bold enough to post an article explaining the “shadow campaign that saved the 2020 election.” They see it as fortifying the election as if saving democracy from Donald Trump is a noble goal. Clearly, the Republicans were outhustled and outsmarted, and the Democrats are looking to do the same thing for all time.

Many have questioned the motivation behind Georgia’s election law, as if it’s a diabolical plot to suppress the vote, because the Republicans in charge disliked the outcome. But why aren’t those critics asking why Democrats are making a move to pass H.R.1. or push DC statehood? Both of these proposals have constitutional issues, but they don’t care. They want total control.