Alabama IVF Ruling Highlights the Hypocrisy in "Pro-Choice" Philosophy

Alabama IVF Ruling Highlights the Hypocrisy in "Pro-Choice" Philosophy

They didn’t choose to lose their children. And, yes, they are children because they are progeny. They are human—the same species as their parents—and they were alive. So, why isn’t the pro-choice crowd celebrating accountability against a corporation that allowed their choice to be taken away?

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Michigan Democrats Are Afraid of Possible Chief Craig Run for Governor

Michigan Democrats Are Afraid of Possible Chief Craig Run for Governor

Craig is not a politician, but he’s been a public servant for 44 years. Though some political insiders knew his true affiliation, most Detroiters do not. That’s a good thing. It means he served them beyond politics, and they know him first as a servant rather than a political operative.

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The Democrats Plot to Steal America

The Democrats Plot to Steal America

Saul Alinksy wrote in his Rules for Radicals to “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt.” This is what Democrats are doing when it comes to election integrity.

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Will Nursing Home Deaths Catch up to Whitmer like they did Cuomo?

Will Nursing Home Deaths Catch up to Whitmer like they did Cuomo?

Now that our stunning and brave warrior journalists have defeated the orange monster and thrown him out of the White House, they are now free to cover stories they ignored. How long will it be before Michigan’s governor, Gretchen Whitmer, gets a second look?

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