Media Matter's Hit on Allie Stuckey Proves the Left Hates Christians

Allie Stuckey Response Video to Media Matters

A curious hit-piece on Allie Stuckey by Media Matters is further evidence of something Christians ought to wake up and realize: the left hates Christians and Christianity, they just want to tiptoe around it.

They repeatedly refer to the conservative commentator for The Blaze as a bigoted, extremist with a fundamentalist view. They say, “Stuckey also weaponizes her Christian doctrine to criticize ideas and people she disagrees with; often taking core Christian virtues and warping them into right-wing ammunition to target progressives.”

Then the article reads: “In June 2021, Stuckey said Christians should ‘refuse to tell lies’ and ‘love your neighbor,’ but ‘love does not mean the tolerance or the acceptance of that which we know is not good and right and true.’”

Imagine typing that, thinking that was anything to be remotely angry about. But that’s Media Matter’s schtick. They often repost reasonable quotes from conservative commentators like Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh, phrasing a perfectly common-sense statement, as if it were nefarious.

In the piece, Media Matters doesn’t take the time to correct any of Stuckey’s Christian theology regarding these matters. Yet, it attempts to paint a visual of Stuckey advancing a right-wing agenda and using her faith to justify her actions. But the opposite is true for most Christian conservatives. We hold our values because our morals and worldview are informed by our faith. Their issue isn’t that Stuckey is cherry-picking Christianity to her benefit. Their issue is that she holds Christian views and dares to vocalize them accurately.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez believes religious liberty is a smokescreen for bigotry. “Because the only time religious freedom is invoked, is in the name of bigotry and discrimination.”

But what is their idea of discrimination? Deadnaming Bruce Jenner? Not wanting to be forced to create special cakes, floral arrangements, etc. for a same-sex wedding? Not wanting penises exposed to women and children in spas? Not wanting men to sleep in shelters meant for battered women? Believing a man like Lia Thomas shouldn’t be thrashing women in swimming competitions? The fact I just referred to Lia Thomas as a “man?”

These examples are enough to be called “transphobic” or “homophobic,” yet Media Matters thinks it’s problematic that Stuckey told her Twitter following the correct response to these labels is, “I don’t care.” What is she supposed to do? Cry? Change her strongly held beliefs (that she views as objective moral truths) because a hysterical person, who doesn’t respect or care for her, called her a word that’s thrown around like a water balloon at a kid’s birthday party?

Media Matters, AOC, and other leftists are using people like Allie Stuckey as a smokescreen to hide what they truly feel: they hate Christianity and despise its influence.

Media Matters even had the gull to say, “In the same way that Christianity was used to justify slavery, Stuckey is using her fundamentalism to justify her bigotry and discrimination against the LGBTQ community.” Why they decided to compare the brutal enslavement of my ancestors to not wanting children to risk chemically castrating themselves, who knows? But people did use religion to justify slavery. They did so inaccurately. Many abolitionists like William Wilberforce, Pastor John Newton, and Pastor John Rankin were Christians and fought against it. Frederick Douglass said Christians should have seen the Fugitive Slave Act as an assault on religious liberty. Slave bibles were discovered and missing quite a lot of text. If the bible was a book about tyranny rather than liberation, why is it necessary to edit so much of it out?

People see the power in religion. That’s why politicians like Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and Vice President Kamala Harris use Christianity inaccurately to defend their positions, while openly defying major tenants of the faith. Even in AOC’s “religious bigotry” rant, she defended the LGBT community by claiming all people are “holy.” This is not true.

There is a sect of “progressive” Christians who like the idea of God, but don’t have much respect for him. When God commands us to “be ye holy, for I am holy,” that comes off as too mean and judgmental. They want the power of a God loving them for who they are, rejecting the inconvenient truth that Jesus openly said to deny yourself and follow after him. They like to say, “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone,” yet they ignore the part when Jesus told the sinner to go and sin no more.

Not every major denomination will agree with all of Stuckey’s theology. As a Calvinist, she’d have big disagreements with Catholics and fellow Protestants. But when it comes to sexual immorality, the fact God made male and female and not an infinite number of genders, and the two are supposed to come together and become one flesh under the covenant of marriage, that is not up for debate.

It doesn’t make sense to be angry that a Christian has a Christian podcast where they teach Christian concepts and values. Media Matters could have saved some time and plainly wrote: “Stuckey is a danger because she’s a sincere Christian, has the gull to be vocal about it, and wants her audience to vote.”

Media Matters laments, “America is not a Christian nation, and boorish right-wing vitriol against sexual minorities will not change that — no matter how many anti-LGBTQ podcast episodes or tweets Stuckey publishes.”

Well, America is also not meant to be a nation that excludes Christians. The point of “separation of church and state,” isn’t to block people of faith from participating in government or society, but from the government legally preferring one over the other. The Danbury Baptists had that concern since England obviously had strong preferences, and Thomas Jefferson calmed their fears.

The truth is, that all Americans have beliefs, including secular Americans.

“Everyone deserves a living wage.” That’s a belief.

“Human life may technically start at conception, but it’s not an actual life until it’s viable.” That’s certainly a belief, concocted for the purposes of discrimination.

“Ellen Page was always Elliot.” That’s a delusion, and we’re expected to nod our heads and agree.

Christians run in direct opposition to people pushing a more sexually promiscuous world. Dr. Arthur Kinsey, a sexual deviant who helped push the sexual revolution in America, with data collected from prisoners, pedophiles, and other questionable means, knew that to be the case. In a letter he wrote to his associate Clarence A. Tripp, he said, “The whole army of religion is our central enemy.”

Whether leftists have to weaken Christianity by shaming them into silence, dulling the effectiveness by creating more progressive Christians, or crippling them by infringing on their religious liberty, they have an endgame. How nefarious is that endgame? It varies from wanting drag queen parades without finger-wagging to wanting Christianity torn down to make way for a more socialist—ultimately communist—society. Christians like Allie Stuckey aren’t going to sit by and let it happen.

Ultimately, Stuckey stated in a Youtube response video that she is grateful Justin Horowitz, the writer of the piece, took time to hear the gospel and hopes God had pricked his heart.