What "He Gets Us" Doesn't Get About Jesus

What "He Gets Us" Doesn't Get About Jesus

God doesn’t need a PR team to edit him and become more presentable to mankind; we need to seek a greater understanding of God to grasp the fullness of his goodness. The same God in Genesis and Revelation is the same God in the Gospels, and he’s been perfectly loving the entire time, even in demonstrations of his wrath and judgment.

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Media Matter's Hit on Allie Stuckey Proves the Left Hates Christians

Media Matter's Hit on Allie Stuckey Proves the Left Hates Christians

It doesn’t make sense to be angry that a Christian has a Christian podcast where they teach Christian concepts and values. Media Matters could have saved some time and plainly wrote: “Stuckey is a danger because she’s a sincere Christian, has the gull to be vocal about it, and wants her audience to vote.”

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Senator "Reverend" Warnock Doesn't Get Christianity

Senator "Reverend" Warnock Doesn't Get Christianity

The idea that anything is “more transcendent than the resurrection” struck a nerve with Christians since that was the entire point of Jesus Christ dwelling on this earth for 33 years.

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Christians were Duped by Black Lives Matter

Christians were Duped by Black Lives Matter

When confronted with the more radical principles of BLM, the rationale was generally they supported the “movement” and not the group. Considering BLM raised over $90 million last year, many certainly supported the group. However, what if the movement was based on a lie?

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