Dear Taraji, Biden-Harris is Not the Answer

Dear Taraji, Biden-Harris is Not the Answer

You believe in being paid what you’re worth and providing for your family is a priority. I imagine that’s why you spent the media tour of The Color Purple discussing fair wages for black actresses. So, I’m certain you can find common ground when I say that President Joe Biden’s unconstitutional OSHA mandates, which impacted millions of Americans, are a great concern. My sister didn’t know if she’d be able to keep her job, and if not for the conservative majority Supreme Court, she likely would have lost it all because the Biden administration wanted a say in what she could do with her body.

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The False Narrative of "Force"

The False Narrative of "Force"

To be “pro-choice” is to believe murder is permissible if the mother chooses it. But a child is not an accessory that you may choose to carry, switch out, or discard when it doesn’t match your plans. The ethics of abortion are not difficult. Life is difficult. If whatever reason you conjure for an elective abortion couldn’t be used to justify killing a two-year-old, it’s not a good reason to kill that same human being if we rolled the clock back.

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