The False Narrative of "Force"

The False Narrative of "Force"

To be “pro-choice” is to believe murder is permissible if the mother chooses it. But a child is not an accessory that you may choose to carry, switch out, or discard when it doesn’t match your plans. The ethics of abortion are not difficult. Life is difficult. If whatever reason you conjure for an elective abortion couldn’t be used to justify killing a two-year-old, it’s not a good reason to kill that same human being if we rolled the clock back.

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The Truth About Texas Supreme Court Abortion Ruling and Kate Cox

The Truth About Texas Supreme Court Abortion Ruling and Kate Cox

The issue, and why the Texas Supreme Court had to rule against her, is Cox’s doctor didn’t make the case that she truly qualified for the exemption. When Dr. Damla Karsan requested “pre-authorization” for the abortion, “Dr. Karsan did not assert that Ms. Cox has a ‘life-threatening physical condition’ or that, in Dr. Karsan’s reasonable medical judgement, an abortion is necessary because Ms. Cox has the type of condition the exception requires.”

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The "Rapist's Child"

The "Rapist's Child"

There is a time when politicians will come out and call the defenseless unborn a “child.” If a woman is raped, suddenly, that baby is a “child.” And it’s not her child. It’s not a grandchild of loving parents who want to help their daughter get through a crisis. It’s not a child with unalienable rights. They are the “rapist’s child.”

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Our Modern Society is Cruel to Men

Our Modern Society is Cruel to Men

We continue building misogynists who care little for women, women harden by becoming more like the misogynists they despise, and they cope by doing Tiktok Lives every night, insisting body count doesn’t matter, not because they believe it doesn’t, but because they resent the fact that it does.

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Michigan Governor and AG Support Child Sterilization Ballot Proposal

Michigan Governor and AG Support Child Sterilization Ballot Proposal

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel are among top Democrats supporting Proposal 3, that will open the door for sterilizations and abortions for minors, without parental consent.

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