Dear Taraji, Biden-Harris is Not the Answer

Dear Taraji,

I respect your right to support whatever candidates you choose, but I was surprised that your video with Vice President Kamala Harris was so divisive. I understand that you think we’re “not like” you, but I believe we have more in common than you know.

For example, the economy is important to you. You believe in being paid what you’re worth and providing for your family is a priority. I imagine that’s why you spent the media tour of The Color Purple discussing fair wages for black actresses. So, I’m certain you can find common ground when I say that President Joe Biden’s unconstitutional OSHA mandates, which impacted millions of Americans, are a great concern. My sister didn’t know if she’d be able to keep her job, and if not for the conservative majority Supreme Court, she likely would have lost it all because the Biden administration wanted a say in what she could do with her body.

I know you care about bodily autonomy because you care about “reproductive freedom,” so I’m certain you can understand why I found it disturbing that Biden stood in front of the American people during the pandemic and announced, “This isn’t about freedom or your personal choice.” He and Vice President Harris pushed for unscientific restrictions and mandates that violated our liberties.

You could argue that bodily autonomy is not absolute and is limited in the interest of protecting life, but that’s precisely why I don’t support “reproductive freedom.” A whole living human being has already been produced, and bodily autonomy doesn’t grant a special right to kill one’s son/daughter through suffocation/starvation, dismemberment, or poisoning. In the eyes of Kamala Harris, that might make me an extremist. In reality, I care about equal human rights for all human beings. It’s also dishonest that Harris insists Donald Trump is going to abolish abortion when he has promised to virtually do nothing federally with the abortion issue, even at the cost of infuriating his base.

I do appreciate your concern for women’s rights. That’s why I’m certain you can understand I find it alarming that Biden nominated a judge who placed a serial child rapist into a woman’s prison. The US Supreme Court is on the line, and his judgment is disturbing. Every time Biden or Harris stands up for “women’s rights,” they exclusively mean the right for a woman to kill her offspring. This is especially true since Biden reworked Title IX and threatened federal funding to those who do not allow boys in girls’ locker rooms or on their sports teams.

Harris claimed that the “majority of us believe in freedom and equality,” but that isn’t true. The 2020 Democratic Party platform says, they “recognize that race-neutral policies are not sufficient to rectify race-based disparities.” They believe treating others differently is the only way to solve racial disparities. In other words, they need more racism to solve racism.

I can appreciate Harris saying that we have a right not to be killed through gun violence, and that’s true. We all have a right to life, which is a right to not be killed (though, Harris believes in discriminating and allowing violence against some humans). That’s why anyone who violently aggresses against another should face justice. That’s why I found it so concerning that Harris and Biden both supported the “Defund the Police” movement in 2020. Harris even promoted an organization, the Minnesota Freedom Fund, that bails out criminals. This organization bailed out a convict who went on to commit murder.

Taraji, we may come down on different sides of the issues, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find common ground or that we can’t understand one another. There are extremists on both sides of the political aisle, but it’s not extreme to believe that innocent living humans shouldn’t be killed in the womb. It’s not extreme to think we need change because grocery and gas prices are too high, and we believe the former president can do a better job with the economy. It’s not extreme to have your heart broken when you read in the paper that an illegal immigrant raped a 12-year-old for two hours and to want the former president to come back, reinstitute remain in Mexico, and other successful border policies that Biden immediately terminated.

If this letter has begun to make you reconsider supporting Biden-Harris, congratulations, that’s enough to no longer be considered “black” in Joe Biden’s eyes. If it doesn’t persuade you to vote for Donald Trump, Robert Franklin Kennedy, or any other option besides Biden, that’s your choice. I, at the very least, ask that you look at your fellow Americans with more understanding, even if you disagree with them over politics.