That State of Our Union is Sick

Not too long ago, President Joe Biden addressed the nation and told a lie: “The state of the union is strong.”

Well, it’s not. And I’m not just saying that because he’s promising food shortages, gas is up, inflation is high, unnecessary damage committed against our children and elderly during covid lockdowns, the border crisis, and embarrassing ourselves on the world stage in Afghanistan.

The state of our union is not only weak; it’s sick.

On “Trans Visibility Day,” President Biden told parents with transgender children that “affirming your child’s identity is one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe and healthy.” How do you affirm your child’s identity? Well, the White House put out a nifty chart telling us how: to change their pronouns, puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery. The President of the United States of America is encouraging parents to commit irreversible damage to their children. Puberty blockers can sterilize you. Women don’t just get their voices back if they choose to stop taking testosterone. Chopping off your breasts can leave you with phantom sensations. None of this should be encouraged by Biden.

But that’s not all.

The Governor of Colorado signed into law one of the most extreme and cruelest abortion bills in the world. In our nation’s capitol, anti-abortion activists discovered bodies of third-trimester abortion victims who may have suffered illegal killings. The images of these mutilated babies are haunting, but DC is refusing to do an autopsy and Mayor Muriel Bowser is mum, even as members of Congress call for an investigation.

But that’s not all.

Activists, Democrat leadership, and sycophantic journalists have been obsessed with Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Bill. They’re infuriated with the fact they can’t hide important information regarding the mental health and well-being of a child from their parents. They’re outraged they can’t teach K-3rd graders about sexual orientation and gender ideology. They hate it so much, that they’ve created the “Don’t Say Gay” narrative to engage and enrage the gay community, to fight against a bill that protects children. And mind you, there have been examples across the country, and in Florida, that prove it is necessary. New York City Mayor Eric Adams is buying ads to convince Florida residents to come to NYC, where you can be free to say gay anywhere. However, you cannot ask questions about masking children, or else you’ll be fired from your city job.

But that’s not all.

The Walt Disney Company, the most powerful entertainment company in the world, has promised to fight legislation like the Parental Rights in Education Bill. Despite having conservative employees who would rather embrace the magic of movies bringing people together, Disney has decided to go down a politically divisive path. Stars like Gina Carano and Chris Harrison were fired for enraging the woke mob, but leftwing celebrities like Whoopi Goldberg were forgiven after claiming the Holocaust wasn’t about race and the Nazis were lying. Disney is making videos to teach children about “microaggressions.” Marvel Comics compared Professor Jordan Peterson to the Red Skull and the men he’s helped to HYDRA (their version of Nazis). Leaked videos revealed that executives within the company have a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda.” For folks paying attention, that shouldn’t be difficult to believe. Gonzo on Muppet Babies was placed in a dress because he wanted to be a princess at the ball. The latest Doctor Strange movie will feature a trans superhero. Actress Tessa Thompson, who was saddened by the public’s outrage over Cuties, said her character’s priority in Thor: Love and Thunder will be to find a queen.

And Disney isn’t the only company aimed at children. Blue’s Clues featured trans, asexual, pansexual flags, etc. on their show, as well as a pride parade led by a drag queen. Their audience is preschoolers.

But that’s not all.

Judge Ketanji Jackson will most likely be confirmed to the Supreme Court. The media found it detestable that Republicans on the judiciary committee brought up her record while judging her qualifications. The media has even gone as far as claiming her sentencing regarding child pornography is normal, but that’s not true. For possession, she sentences below 57% of the national average, and 47% below when it comes to distribution. Justice on Demand backs her. One of their board members made waves recently when he said the constitution was trash. Jackson claims to have no judicial philosophy and no opinion on natural rights. She also doesn’t know how to define a woman. So, if a case goes all the way up to the Supreme Court, involving an athlete like trans swimmer Lia Thomas, women can’t expect Jackson to respect the inherent biological differences between the sexes that make us who we are.

But that’s not all.

We have drag time story-time hour across the country. Seattle museum is hosting summer camps to teach the art of drag to children as young as 12. A Florida school board member took kindergarteners to a gay bar and grill for a field trip. A gay mass choir created a song, “We’re coming for your children.” And regardless of whatever legislation gets passed, activist teachers are vowing to secretly push their agendas upon your kids.

And if you stand up and fight, the DOJ and the White House may label you a domestic terrorist.

If you’ve ever read the bible and asked yourself how Sodom and Gomorrah could get so terrible that they could warrant the wrath of God, I think we’re starting to get there. If you wondered why God could command the Israelites to take out the Canaanites, one of those reasons was their heinous child sacrifices to Molech. They would place babies on a superheated statue and watch them sizzle to death. They’d beat drums to overpower their screams. The drums today are the illusion of women’s empowerment, screamed through the streets while cosplaying The Handmaid’s Tale. I dare you to look at the pictures Live Action posted of dead baby carcasses and tell me the state of our union is strong.

We are weak. We are depraved. And most egregiously, we are cowards. Many Americans know we’re headed down a path of destruction. I’m not prophesying a worldwide flood, but a nation that allows such brutality against their children—mentally and physically—won’t survive.

As it’s written in Isaiah 58, “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.”

If we can’t find enough righteous Americans to stand up against this insanity, the shining city on a hill will be snuffed out.