It's Obviously Immoral To Bring Your Children Around Drag Queens

It's Obviously Immoral To Bring Your Children Around Drag Queens

GLAAD is now addressing “dragphobia,” which is absurd. Perhaps some people are quivering in their boots at the thought of men in hideous makeup, but most critics speaking out do not have a “phobia.” We have reasonable concerns about a society that so quickly wants to submerge generations of children into sexual depravity and the motivation behind these men who desire access to these malleable youths.

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That State of Our Union is Sick

That State of Our Union is Sick

We are weak. We are depraved. And most egregiously, we are cowards. Many Americans know we’re headed down a path of destruction. I’m not prophesying a worldwide flood, but a nation that allows such brutality against their children—mentally and physically—won’t survive.

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