Democrat Compares Parents at School Board Meetings to Jan 6 Rioters

Democrat Representative Hank Johnson from Georgia compared concerned parents who attend school board meetings to January 6 rioters.

“January 6, 2021, will never be forgotten. An infamous day in American history. MAGA Republicans descended upon the capitol, engaged in an insurrection, they occupied the capitol. People at the local level at affected school board meetings, they won’t forget the MAGA Republicans descending on their school board meetings after January 6.”

Johnson claimed school staffers were “subjected to violence, threats of violence, harassment, intimidation,” that the National School Board Association had to appeal to the Department of Justice for help. Their letter included using things like the Patriot Act to target parents.

Johnson also had the audacity to claim there was no coordination between the White House and the NSBA, which is not true. Emails revealed two members, Viola Garcia, the president of the association, and CEO Chip Slaven, were in coordination with the White House but not all of the board approved of the NSBA’s letter to the DOJ, nor would have.

The DOJ issued a memo in response to the “violence,” with the evidence being the letter itself, according to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

On September 1, President Joe Biden gave a speech in dark red lights attacking half of the country. “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.” Biden was heavily criticized by many yet praised by some members of the media and fellow Democrats, yet he walked it back the next day. “I don't consider any Trump supporter to be a threat."

Then Biden attacked “MAGA” Republicans on Twitter, noting the difference between “mainstream” Republicans and extremists, is that he’s been able to work with them in the past.

Comments from Representative Johnson prove MAGA Republicans are simply people who stand up against the Democrats. Parents went to school board meetings because of their anger regarding masking, perverted books in libraries, critical race theory and gender ideology being taught in the classroom. Scott Smith attended a meeting after his daughter was sexually assaulted by a “boy in a skirt” in the bathroom. He was arrested and used in the NSBA’s letter as evidence of extremist parents.