Michigan Governor and AG Support Child Sterilization Ballot Proposal

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel are among top Democrats supporting Proposal 3, that will open the door for sterilizations and abortions for minors, without parental consent.

The “Reproductive Freedom for All” proposal will significantly change the Michigan constitution. Supporters are heavily pushing a woman’s “right” to an abortion, but the ramifications are much deeper than that.

This proposal reads, “Every individual has a fundamental right to reproductive freedom, which entails the right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including but not limited to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care.”

“Individual” is not defined nor limited by age, so it would include children as well. As a matter of fact, the amendment says, “The state shall not discriminate in the protection or enforcement of this fundamental right.” Discrimination isn’t specified by race or income, so it could include age. The language is also not specific for women (it obviously makes the effort not to use the word), therefore the amendment would give male and female children the right to be sterilized.

Puberty blocking drugs like Lupron are also given to sexual predators in prison to sterilize them. Chloe Cole, a teenager who detransitioned and is speaking out against some of California’s radical bills, was placed on Lupron and had her healthy breasts removed. Chloe believes children cannot fully grasp the ramifications of these decisions, nor did her doctors make a serious effort to get to the root of her gender dysphoria. Children’s hospitals across the country are not only prescribing puberty blockers; they’re doing top and bottom surgeries. Some doctors even advertise themselves to audiences on Tiktok, who sway very young.

On “Trans Visibility Day,” President Joe Biden told the nation, “affirming your child’s identity is one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe and healthy.” His administration then released a chart detailing how parents can affirm their children, which included hormone therapy, “top” surgery (cutting of healthy breasts), and “bottom” surgery (operating on genitals).

In California, Gavin Newsom recently signed a bill that would require insurance companies to hide minors’ abortions and gender treatments from the policyholders aka the parents. They’re also aiming to make their state a sanctuary state for those seeking abortion and sex surgeries.

 Governor Whitmer signed the proposal herself, and now she’s glad it’s on the ballot. The proposal was struck down by the Board of Canvassers, which had to poor wording and grammar while circulated as a petition, but the Michigan Supreme Court allowed for it to move forward. Whitmer said, “We respect women’s rights in Michigan. This is a home of opportunity and limitless possibility.”

Though Whitmer has mostly focused on the abortion aspects of the bill, the door is wide open for minors to do irreversible damage to their bodies. "Nor shall the state penalize, prosecute, or otherwise take adverse action against someone for aiding or assisting a pregnant individual in exercising their right to reproductive freedom with their voluntary consent.” If an overzealous activist or teacher wanted to help a minor get surgery or an abortion, this amendment to the constitution offers no safeguards. How can a parent protect their child? If an untrained employee performed an abortion on your child, what can the state do since they cannot penalize, prosecute, or take action against them?

The bill also offers abortion up to fetal viability, determined by a “attending health care professional,” not a doctor. Fetal viability normally means the baby is able to survive outside of the womb. The amendment defines “fetal viability” to mean there’s a “significant likelihood” the fetus will survive “without the application of extraordinary medical measures.” This means viability could extend beyond the typical 24-week marker. It also grants a woman the ability to have an abortion beyond viability if a “health care professional” deems the abortion will “protect the life or physical or mental health of the pregnant individual.” Mental health is also a very broad term. It doesn’t mean a woman is suicidal if she can’t have an abortion; it could mean she’s stressed about the financial burden of raising a child so her social worker grants permission for 30-week abortion. Again, the amendment purposely doesn’t use terms like “doctor,” nor does it specify needing a licensed therapist. This is also not a law that can be adjusted easily with the cooperation of the legislature. It’s a constitutional amendment.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the Democrats have supported some radical policies in the state before, but this would do the utmost damage to future generations. You can learn more about the bill here.