Retribution v. Optimism

Retribution v. Optimism

The idea of Trump returning for a big finale is tempting. It feels like justice for millions of voters who believe the election was unfair (whether through fraud or Big Tech and media manipulation), or at least like vindication for those who supported Trump, knowing he was a far better president than Biden. But I’ve also heard Trump supporters say they were only interested in “retribution.” …A DeSantis supporter responded to the “retribution” motivation with, “I don’t have time for retribution; I’ve got kids.”

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Kari Lake Blasted for Pandemic Claims About Ron DeSantis

Kari Lake Blasted for Pandemic Claims About Ron DeSantis

So, why the drastic change in tune? Well, Lake once thought the only compliment greater than being told she’d be the “DeSantis of the West” was being “Trump in a dress.” Simply put, Kari Lake is not acting as the straight shooter she once pitched herself to be while running for governor. She’s parroting similar remarks that former President Trump made earlier this year, who praised former Democrat Governor Charlie Crist, implying sunshine and ocean are enough to make Florida work well, and DeSantis is a nonfactor.

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Trump Allies Try to Create Another "Basket of Deplorables" Moment with DeSantis

Trump Allies Try to Create Another "Basket of Deplorables" Moment with DeSantis

DeSantis made a point that a personality can’t be behind the conservative movement; it has to be grounded in some sort of principle. Whether you’re a Republican cannot be based on your loyalty to an individual; it has to be based on believing in and advancing a particular set of ideals.

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Congress Impeached Trump, They Can Certainly Impeach Biden

Congress Impeached Trump, They Can Certainly Impeach Biden

I agree with McConnell that back-to-back impeachments aren’t good for the country, but neither is having a president who rises to the occasion of impeachment. It’s also not good that it looks as though Trump was truly impeached for poking a very credible bear when it comes to Biden’s shady business dealings.

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Students for Life Back DeSantis Over Trump: It's Nothing Personal. It's Just Business.

Students for Life Back DeSantis Over Trump: It's Nothing Personal. It's Just Business.

“It’s nothing personal. It’s just business.” That was the tagline for former President Donald Trump’s hit show on NBC, The Apprentice. It’s also the attitude of young pro-life activists looking toward a presidential win in 2024.

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The Identity Crisis of Republican Leadership

The Identity Crisis of Republican Leadership

Republicans are facing an identity crisis. Abandoning moral convictions won’t win over more voters; it’ll only create more Democrats and tell conservatives to stay home. Competency is the answer. We need competency in governing and competency in communication. Give the voters an opportunity to understand your positions rather than surrendering the narrative to the Democrats, or abandoning them altogether.

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Because of Democrats, Trump Must Pick A Ginsburg Replacement

Because of Democrats, Trump Must Pick A Ginsburg Replacement

Democrats made a filled Supreme Court necessary. Democrats around the country—like Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom—eerily stated that Covid-19 was an opportunity to implement change on various issues: climate change, the economy, etc. In a time when our nation needed some normalcy, our electoral process has been radically uprooted.

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