The Identity Crisis of Republican Leadership

The Identity Crisis of Republican Leadership

Republicans are facing an identity crisis. Abandoning moral convictions won’t win over more voters; it’ll only create more Democrats and tell conservatives to stay home. Competency is the answer. We need competency in governing and competency in communication. Give the voters an opportunity to understand your positions rather than surrendering the narrative to the Democrats, or abandoning them altogether.

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Biden Invites Drag Queens to White House in Celebration of "Respect for Marriage Act"

Biden Invites Drag Queens to White House in Celebration of "Respect for Marriage Act"

“The Biden Admin sees these far-Left LGBT Activists as one of their new ‘core constituencies.’ These are the people they need to groom America into accepting ‘trans-5-years-olds’ and ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ in the name of ‘Equality.’ There is no bottom.”

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Should Conservatives Concede the Gay Marriage Debate?

Should Conservatives Concede the Gay Marriage Debate?

This threat of radical gender theory is where many on the right would like to direct our attention. However, the redefining of marriage and gender identity has glaring similarities: the rejection of gender roles and key distinctions rooted in biological realities.

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