Michael Knowles "Marriage Debate" Highlights Ideological Problems with Pearly Things

Michael Knowles "Marriage Debate" Highlights Ideological Problems with Pearly Things

In the beginning of Pearl’s recap video of the debate, she claims everyone is always trying to sell something and she’s just trying to tell the truth. This is ridiculous. Pearl is selling something: victim culture to men.

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Should Conservatives Concede the Gay Marriage Debate?

Should Conservatives Concede the Gay Marriage Debate?

This threat of radical gender theory is where many on the right would like to direct our attention. However, the redefining of marriage and gender identity has glaring similarities: the rejection of gender roles and key distinctions rooted in biological realities.

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Michael Knowles VS Victoria Hammett: Bodily Autonomy in Abortion Debate

Michael Knowles VS Victoria Hammett: Bodily Autonomy in Abortion Debate

I watched the entire debate with Daily Wire commentator, Michael Knowles, and leftist Tiktok influencer, Victoria Hammett, who is the Deputy Director of Gen-Z for Change. Her abortion stance was solely bodily autonomy, yet she brought up viability (which I don't know if she'd genuinely be for a ban past that). There are so many problems with that line of reasoning.

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Senator "Reverend" Warnock Doesn't Get Christianity

Senator "Reverend" Warnock Doesn't Get Christianity

The idea that anything is “more transcendent than the resurrection” struck a nerve with Christians since that was the entire point of Jesus Christ dwelling on this earth for 33 years.

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