Gov. Whitmer Repeals Pink Tax for "People with a Period," While Gas Prices Soar

Gov. Whitmer Repeals Pink Tax for "People with a Period," While Gas Prices Soar

While some Michiganders are celebrating the small monthly savings, if you couldn’t afford the sales tax of tampons, you most likely still cannot afford the product itself. Inflation is hurting the pockets of everyday Michiganders, for products purchased weekly and daily.

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Did the White House, Justice Department, and NSBA Conspire Against Parents?

Democrats have furiously referred to Justice Neil Gorsuch’s seat as “stolen.” Many Republicans felt as though they were responsible for saving the country. Given Garland’s recent and blatantly partisan attack on concerned parents, America dodged a massive bullet.

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Cyber Security Experts say Macomb County is "Ahead of the Trend" on Election Integrity

Cyber Security Experts say Macomb County is "Ahead of the Trend" on Election Integrity

Forlini wasn’t serving as county clerk during the contentious 2020 election, but he’s made big changes since taking office. “I firmly believe that what Tony is doing here with this accomplishes a couple of goals, and I think he’s ahead of the trend.” Cotton went on to speak of the importance of digitally preserving records in case there is ever a dispute.

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The Plot to Steal Michigan: Say "No" to National Popular Vote

The Plot to Steal Michigan: Say "No" to National Popular Vote

Why would former Michigan Republican Party Chair Saul Anuzis go along with such an insidious plot? He told Laura Ingraham the current problem. He wants to make sure every state is politically relevant. “For all practical purposes, 95% to 90% of all the money is spent in ten states or less, and we basically elect the president of the battleground states.”

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Critics of Covid Mandates Make DHS's "Potential Terror Threat" List

Critics of Covid Mandates Make DHS's "Potential Terror Threat" List

DHS is also “advancing authoritative sources of information to debunk and, when possible, preempt false narratives and intentional disinformation, and providing education materials to promote resilience to the risks associated with interacting with and spreading disinformation, conspiracy theories, and false narratives.”

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Are We Needlessly Putting Youth At Risk with the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Are We Needlessly Putting Youth At Risk with the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Why is there such an aggressive strategy to inject a chemical into the bodies of our youth linked to heart trouble and possible death? The CDC says the vaccines are safe and millions of people have received them, and this is true based on available information. It’s not likely anyone will receive the vaccine and die but is it a necessary risk?

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Why Aren't Black Democrats "Sellouts?"

Why Aren't Black Democrats "Sellouts?"

As an out and proud black conservative on social media, I’ve heard the phrase “sellout” a lot by ignorant racists. Black people should be afforded the same sense of agency and freedom of thought that Caucasian Americans get to freely have when it comes to expressing opinions. No one owns my thoughts and can put me in a box. But it is curious that folks on the left accuse black republicans of being sellouts instead of their own side.

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Michigan Democrats Are Afraid of Possible Chief Craig Run for Governor

Michigan Democrats Are Afraid of Possible Chief Craig Run for Governor

Craig is not a politician, but he’s been a public servant for 44 years. Though some political insiders knew his true affiliation, most Detroiters do not. That’s a good thing. It means he served them beyond politics, and they know him first as a servant rather than a political operative.

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