Joe Biden Accidentally Made the Best Point About Abortion During the Presidential Debate

Joe Biden Accidentally Made the Best Point About Abortion During the Presidential Debate

Arguing that states should be able to decide their abortion laws state by state is a little bit like arguing states should have the right to decide whether they’re going to allow slavery or not. In both cases, they decide what kind of human beings are “persons” based on descriptive characteristics rather than our shared human nature.

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Dear Taraji, Biden-Harris is Not the Answer

Dear Taraji, Biden-Harris is Not the Answer

You believe in being paid what you’re worth and providing for your family is a priority. I imagine that’s why you spent the media tour of The Color Purple discussing fair wages for black actresses. So, I’m certain you can find common ground when I say that President Joe Biden’s unconstitutional OSHA mandates, which impacted millions of Americans, are a great concern. My sister didn’t know if she’d be able to keep her job, and if not for the conservative majority Supreme Court, she likely would have lost it all because the Biden administration wanted a say in what she could do with her body.

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Biden and the Radical Left Are the Threat to Democracy

Biden and the Radical Left Are the Threat to Democracy

Democrats have denied, protested, and rioted over election results. I would know. I was at a state ceremony for electors, and I attended the Trump inauguration. There are many things I wish I could change about Trump, and I’m not afraid to voice my anger when he inspires it, but I will not accept the lie that Biden and the progressive agenda are best for the country and the world. It is a bald-faced lie.

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Ted Cruz Dodges When Life Begins During IVF Interview

Ted Cruz Dodges When Life Begins During IVF Interview

Hobby Lobby once had to fight a fine for refusing to create a possibility that would end the survivability of embryos. Now, Cruz and Britt are holding the healthcare of millions hostage if states conclude that the cost of IVF is too many lives of incredibly young children.

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The Weaponization of "Christ is King"

The Weaponization of "Christ is King"

“Christ is King” should not be known as an antisemitic phrase, but Christians should be aware that some very hateful people, who believe Hitler was “cool,” are trying to co-opt it. We don’t have to stop proclaiming “Christ is King,” but we should call out the wolves in poorly made sheep costumes.

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Michael Knowles "Marriage Debate" Highlights Ideological Problems with Pearly Things

Michael Knowles "Marriage Debate" Highlights Ideological Problems with Pearly Things

In the beginning of Pearl’s recap video of the debate, she claims everyone is always trying to sell something and she’s just trying to tell the truth. This is ridiculous. Pearl is selling something: victim culture to men.

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Lady Gaga's Promotion of Dylan Mulvaney on "International Women's Day" is a Mockery of Women

Lady Gaga's Promotion of Dylan Mulvaney on "International Women's Day" is a Mockery of Women

Lady Gaga says she feels “very protective in this moment” for not only Dylan but the trans community as a whole, but it’s possible to do that without celebrating a man who was brave enough to slap on some lipstick and portray girlhood as crying too much and buying too many clothes.

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Alabama IVF Ruling Highlights the Hypocrisy in "Pro-Choice" Philosophy

Alabama IVF Ruling Highlights the Hypocrisy in "Pro-Choice" Philosophy

They didn’t choose to lose their children. And, yes, they are children because they are progeny. They are human—the same species as their parents—and they were alive. So, why isn’t the pro-choice crowd celebrating accountability against a corporation that allowed their choice to be taken away?

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What "He Gets Us" Doesn't Get About Jesus

What "He Gets Us" Doesn't Get About Jesus

God doesn’t need a PR team to edit him and become more presentable to mankind; we need to seek a greater understanding of God to grasp the fullness of his goodness. The same God in Genesis and Revelation is the same God in the Gospels, and he’s been perfectly loving the entire time, even in demonstrations of his wrath and judgment.

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Please, Stop the Trial of Nikki Haley's Skin Color

Please, Stop the Trial of Nikki Haley's Skin Color

The viral clip of Nikki Haley talking about her experience as a “brown” girl, wasn’t brought up out of nowhere to bash America or gain sympathy. She was asked a question by Dasha Burns and responded. If people on the Right don’t want people to talk about their experiences with racism, they should stop creating racist experiences for them to talk about.

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Why There's Conservative Drama Over #Calendargate

Why There's Conservative Drama Over #Calendargate

One of the biggest scandals of “Calendargate” that has caused it to persist for days is the criticism and shock at social conservatives for speaking out against it… “Conservative Dad” Seth Weathers said if women would stop “b*tching” and become motivated to work on their bodies like the women in the calendar, their spouses would find them more “sexually appealing.” He’s also retweeted commentary suggesting the controversy is rooted in envy, which many other users have also suggested.

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The False Narrative of "Force"

The False Narrative of "Force"

To be “pro-choice” is to believe murder is permissible if the mother chooses it. But a child is not an accessory that you may choose to carry, switch out, or discard when it doesn’t match your plans. The ethics of abortion are not difficult. Life is difficult. If whatever reason you conjure for an elective abortion couldn’t be used to justify killing a two-year-old, it’s not a good reason to kill that same human being if we rolled the clock back.

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The Truth About Texas Supreme Court Abortion Ruling and Kate Cox

The Truth About Texas Supreme Court Abortion Ruling and Kate Cox

The issue, and why the Texas Supreme Court had to rule against her, is Cox’s doctor didn’t make the case that she truly qualified for the exemption. When Dr. Damla Karsan requested “pre-authorization” for the abortion, “Dr. Karsan did not assert that Ms. Cox has a ‘life-threatening physical condition’ or that, in Dr. Karsan’s reasonable medical judgement, an abortion is necessary because Ms. Cox has the type of condition the exception requires.”

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Woke Writer Tries to Cancel Native American Child for Wearing Face Paint and Headdress

Woke Writer Tries to Cancel Native American Child for Wearing Face Paint and Headdress

But in an amusing twist of fate, it turns out the fan wasn’t culturally appropriating Native Americans. Holden Armenta is, in fact, Native American. His grandfather, Rual Armenta, is part of the Chumash tribe and is a member of the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians.

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Evangelical Leader Claims Trump, Not DeSantis, Tried to Buy Endorsement

Evangelical Leader Claims Trump, Not DeSantis, Tried to Buy Endorsement

The puzzling—perhaps deceptive—thing about Trump’s attack on Plaats is that candidates, nonprofits, and PACs paying for table sponsorships are extremely common. Whether it’s Lincoln Day Dinners, Christmas parties, candidate forums, and so on, political organizations will try to offset the costs with sponsorship packages.

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Why Ben Shapiro is Angry with Candace Owens

Why Ben Shapiro is Angry with Candace Owens

If you hopped on the internet yesterday, you may have the impression that Ben Shapiro from The Daily Wire got mad at Candace Owens for posting scriptures in the New Testament and proclaiming, “Christ is King.” If you’ve been paying attention for a while, you’d know it’s a lot deeper than that.

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No, DeSantis Did Not "Suggest" Trump be "Removed" from the Primary

No, DeSantis Did Not "Suggest" Trump be "Removed" from the Primary

One thing that has really upset me during this primary process is watching influencers on the right have totally dishonest takes. Sometimes, we get things wrong. Sometimes, influencers can have bad opinions or be blinded by bias. But a post made Thursday by Jack Posobiec, Senior Editor of Human Events, is a lie. “BREAKING: DeSantis just went on MSNBC and suggested Trump should be removed from the primary if he is convicted in any of the cases against him.”

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Employers Should Be Allowed to "Blacklist" Hamas Apologists

Employers Should Be Allowed to "Blacklist" Hamas Apologists

This was not merely a “boneheadedly wrong” idea, as Vivek Ramaswamy said. It was a choice to justify evil. So, while I appreciate repentance, forgiveness, mercy, grace, and redemption, I can’t fault employers—especially Jewish ones—for not wanting to hire Hamas sympathizers.

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