Trump's Slam Against Pro-Life State Legislation Upsets Conservatives

Trump's Slam Against Pro-Life State Legislation Upsets Conservatives

Some of Trump’s apologists have pointed out that the purpose of overturning Roe v. Wade was for abortion to be kicked back to the states and to honor the Tenth Amendment. But Trump didn’t criticize a national 6-week ban. He said what DeSantis did was “terrible,” so Trump is criticizing pro-life legislation passed in a red state.

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Yes, There Is Evidence Tying Joe Biden to Hunter Biden's Business Dealings

Yes, There Is Evidence Tying Joe Biden to Hunter Biden's Business Dealings

There is widespread denial among mainstream media pundits and leftwing social media activists regarding President Joe Biden and whether there is evidence tying him to his son’s business dealings. But the truth is there is evidence—from a very compelling source—that the father was profiting off his son, just as the son was profiting off the father’s name: Hunter Biden himself.

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Yes, Vivek Ramaswamy Supports 59% Inheritance Tax

Yes, Vivek Ramaswamy Supports 59% Inheritance Tax

“My response is that we should think of inheritance taxes not just as a way of redistributing wealth, but a way of redistributing duty. Yes, by definition preventing parents from creating dynasties is a restriction on their liberty. Civilization itself amounts to a collective agreement for each individual to give up some liberties so that the group can prosper.”

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Trump Allies Try to Create Another "Basket of Deplorables" Moment with DeSantis

Trump Allies Try to Create Another "Basket of Deplorables" Moment with DeSantis

DeSantis made a point that a personality can’t be behind the conservative movement; it has to be grounded in some sort of principle. Whether you’re a Republican cannot be based on your loyalty to an individual; it has to be based on believing in and advancing a particular set of ideals.

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Congress Impeached Trump, They Can Certainly Impeach Biden

Congress Impeached Trump, They Can Certainly Impeach Biden

I agree with McConnell that back-to-back impeachments aren’t good for the country, but neither is having a president who rises to the occasion of impeachment. It’s also not good that it looks as though Trump was truly impeached for poking a very credible bear when it comes to Biden’s shady business dealings.

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"Pro-Choice" is Not a Small Government or Neutral Position

"Pro-Choice" is Not a Small Government or Neutral Position

To be “pro-choice” isn’t saying, “Well, I would never do it, but women should have the right to decide.” Being “pro-choice” is telling the government, “We should discriminate against certain groups of people and allow physical violence against them.” You may not think of it that personally or maliciously, but that’s what it is. People used to argue slavery was a states’ rights issue rather than looking at it as a human rights violation. You are not a neutral party when you actively vote to support deliberate physical harm against someone else.

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Rep. Nancy Mace Raises Brows After Talking About her Sex Life At a Prayer Breakfast

Rep. Nancy Mace Raises Brows After Talking About her Sex Life At a Prayer Breakfast

Last week, Representative Nancy Mace (SC-01) raised eyebrows when she spoke at Senator Tim Scott’s (R-SC) prayer breakfast with talk of her pre-marital sex life. Mace said when she woke up early in the morning, her fiancé, Patrick, pulled her by the waist in bed. “No, baby, we ain’t got time for that this morning. I’ve gotta get to the prayer breakfast.”

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Kamala Harris Approved in January of Standards She Now Thinks Are Racist

Kamala Harris Approved in January of Standards She Now Thinks Are Racist

But this particular objection made by Harris was familiar to Jeremy Redfern, press secretary to Governor DeSantis. It was “essential knowledge” in the AP standards Harris wanted to be taught in Florida back in January.

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Democrats Are Driving a Wedge Between Muslim Voters, so they Blame the GOP

Democrats Are Driving a Wedge Between Muslim Voters, so they Blame the GOP

But more importantly, the GOP didn’t write the Quran. The GOP didn’t put sexually explicit books in cities like Dearborn, MI, heavily populated by Muslims. The GOP didn’t write This Book Is Gay and include a section on how to talk to Muslims about homosexuality and how to find homosexuals online. Did the GOP show up to protest and stand alongside the Muslim community? Of course, they did. Do you know what the Leftists did? They showed up to defend these perverse books as if it were a personal attack on their identity.

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Systemic Pity

Systemic Pity

Years ago, I had a conversation with a woman about affirmative action and how it disadvantages Asian students. She paused for a moment and thought delicately about her words, “Well, I know if it was my child, I’d want them to have an advantage.”

My simple reply: “That’s because your daughter would be black.”

But what if your child wasn’t? Do Asian mothers love their children any less? Should they not at least fight for equal opportunity?

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Hunter Implicated President Biden in Corrupt Business Dealings, and There's Evidence

Hunter Implicated President Biden in Corrupt Business Dealings, and There's Evidence

“I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

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The Politics of Juneteenth

The Politics of Juneteenth

When I pointed out that President Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware, which he positively referred to as a “slave state,” had slaves after Juneteenth, I was called a “coon” and accused of simping for white supremacy. If the immediate effect of Juneteenth being a holiday is collective ignorance, I think we’ve got a problem.

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"Inclusion" Doesn't Equal Diversity; It Means Less White

"Inclusion" Doesn't Equal Diversity; It Means Less White

There are a lot of black content creators, such as myself, who don't understand why "diversity and inclusion" mean changing historically white characters instead of uplifting new black characters and creatives. And the answer is these corporations are soulless machines trying to grind out cash and pat themselves on the back with fake virtue. They are not creative and they don't want to take risks, yet their sycophants will call them stunning and brave.

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Women Outraged Over Dylan Mulvaney's Interview With Judy Blume

Women are furious after Lionsgate sponsored an interview with famed author Judy Blume by trans social Tiktok influencer, Dylan Mulvaney.

Judy Blume's iconic coming-of-age classic Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret was adapted for film and received positive reviews. Savannah Edwards, who has a TikTok following of over one million followers, wrote on her Substack that women needed to take their daughters to see the film. “Your daughters deserve to hear the truth: Growing up female is rough, but it’s beautiful. Our bodies, the way they’re designed, are a miracle. Being born female is an incredible birthright. This movie is a celebration of the foundation of womanhood, the moment when it begins for each of us.”

After Mulvaney’s interview with Blume, Edward’s said, “I’m not offended, I’m pissed.” She tweeted, “The sad part is, #ItMeMargaret is perfect. Damn near perfection, one of the best movies of the year. It’s pro-female, and what a breath of fresh air that is in a culture that treats female puberty like a disease. Why would you ruin that by bringing Dylan into this? @Lionsgate.”

Other women across social media expressed they no longer wished to take their daughters to see the film, would no longer buy Blume’s books, and wanted the time and money back they invested in the film.

Many other women expressed disappointment in Blume herself. “Shame on you for betraying girls,” said Twitter user Taru Ann. “The REAL most vulnerable people in societies. To suck up to privileged men like this, who hate girls and use their existence only to gain attention, false victim status and money! You could have tried to be brave, like many women with more to lose.”

Judy Blume received backlash after speaking out in support of fellow author, J.K. Rowling, who repeatedly stands up for women’s sex-segregated spaces. “I love her. I am behind her 100 percent as I watch from afar.” 

Blume later released a statement to clarify her position, that she merely empathized with Rowling over online harassment. “I stand with the trans community and vehemently disagree with anyone who does not fully support equality and acceptance for LGBTQIA+ people. Anything to the contrary is total bullsh**.”

But you can’t support women’s sports and sex-segregated spaces while preaching total acceptance of the trans community, who want access to women’s locker rooms, bathrooms, prisons, shelters, and to play on their sports teams. As William “Lia” Thomas noted, how can you say he’s not a woman and not allow him to swim against women?

Mulvaney asked Blume for advice on how young creatives like himself can create content about his experience without societal backlash. Blume says, “You know what? You can’t be scared.”

In contrast, Mulvaney released a video last year issuing a not-so-passive-aggressive threat to women who wouldn’t bow down to his gender ideology. “I am also very nervous for you just because, hopefully, soon transphobia won’t be as tolerated online but your tweets are forever, and I don’t want those to come back and haunt you. Okay?”

Mulvaney has also expressed on his Tiktok (to over 10 million followers) that calling him a man and using he/him pronouns should be illegal.

Though women are disappointed with Blume, they should take her advice and not be scared to speak the truth: Dylan Mulvaney is a man and will always be a man.

DHS Uses Pro-Life White Women as Potential Terror Threats in Training Scripts

DHS Uses Pro-Life White Women as Potential Terror Threats in Training Scripts

Well, the Biden administration thought the perfect potential terrorist was Ann, a middle-aged married woman from rural America, who happens to be pro-life. You see, Ann has always been religious but became closer to God after her mother passed (something very common).

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Transwomen Don't Belong in Women's Spaces

Transwomen Don't Belong in Women's Spaces

Now, I’ve seen several activists who are trans and not passable in the least claim they should have access to women’s bathrooms due to safety concerns. So, the concerns and feelings of women should simply be invalidated? I don’t understand why women have to lose on this issue. A lack of chivalry may make you less of a man, but it certainly doesn’t make you more of a woman.

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The Perspective of the Serpent

The Perspective of the Serpent

An abortion ban is not a restriction on a woman’s “reproductive freedom.” She has many other options: celibacy, birth control, fertility tracking, condoms, and sterilization. If she becomes pregnant, she has adoption, safe harbor laws, or the choice to mother her child. Denying abortion as an option is not a lack of freedom. That is the perspective of the serpent.

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Clinton's Daughter Defends Sexually Graphic Children's Books

Clinton's Daughter Defends Sexually Graphic Children's Books

Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former US President Bill Clinton, took to Twitter last Thursday to condemn book banning…Alarmingly, Clinton shared an NBC News article that featured the book Gender Queer, which is an explicitly sexual book that contains visual depictions of oral sex, masturbation, and adult sexual contact with a minor.

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Yes, "Cis" is a Slur.

Yes, "Cis" is a Slur.

Gender is not a social construct. Sex and gender are meaningfully intertwined. According to the etymology, the two words have been and are used interchangeably. Feminists can take the blame for morphing gender into a role in an attempt to break away from social restraints and undesired expectations, but a role is something you can either fill or play. Some aspects of womanhood cannot be mimicked. Only stereotypes can be replicated. Transwomen are method actors and activists like Dylan Mulvaney deserve Razzies, not Oscars.

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