The "Rapist's Child"

The "Rapist's Child"

There is a time when politicians will come out and call the defenseless unborn a “child.” If a woman is raped, suddenly, that baby is a “child.” And it’s not her child. It’s not a grandchild of loving parents who want to help their daughter get through a crisis. It’s not a child with unalienable rights. They are the “rapist’s child.”

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Biden White House Refuses to Say Killing Nashville Christians is a Hate Crime

Biden White House Refuses to Say Killing Nashville Christians is a Hate Crime

As I reflect on this Easter weekend about the state of the nation, it is disheartening to feel as though the Biden Administration has a bias against Christians. I know President Joe Biden’s defenders will quickly point out, “But he’s Catholic!” Judas was a disciple; he betrayed Jesus, nonetheless.

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The Sad Truth About the US Mental Health Crisis

The Sad Truth About the US Mental Health Crisis

The adults in the room should talk about mental health, but I don’t think we have enough adults in meaningful positions of power to make a difference. Our country is unwell, and I don’t see much motivation to change that. Politicians, political commentators, the entertainment industry, academia, and even the medical industry have sold in on making Americans sick.

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Do Presidential Candidates Pay to Win Polls?

Do Presidential Candidates Pay to Win Polls?

Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, who is also a presidential hopeful, gave some insight on Fox News Business that’s raising a few eyebrows. “You wanna know something funny about this? I’ve attended CPAC before. I didn’t know it works this way. A consultant calls my campaign shortly after I declared and said, ‘Hey, we can get you up to number two on there if you pay a few hundred thousand dollars.” Ramaswamy was “shocked,” but I certainly wasn’t.

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"Breaking Bad" Star Says "Make America Great Again" Could be Racist

"Breaking Bad" Star Says "Make America Great Again" Could be Racist

There are many African Americans (as in Africans who have immigrated) who believe black Americans are lazy, entitled, and blowing their liberties and opportunities. If America isn’t great, we might want to let all the black and brown people know before they risk their lives crossing the southern border. Someone must think America is great or at least better than the alternative.

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Hershey's Uses Transwoman for International Woman's Campaign Who Wants to "Shut Down" TERFs

Hershey's Uses Transwoman for International Woman's Campaign Who Wants to "Shut Down" TERFs

Johnstone, in the past, has spoken out against TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists). “Literally just shut them down! Unequivocally affirm that trans women are women, that ideologies saying otherwise are based in transphobia…” Johnstone also admitted, “I actually do want a political environment in which TERFs are so vilified they don’t dare speak their views publicly, let alone act on them. Shut. Them. Down.”

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Plot Twist: “Dilbert” Creator Scott Adams Canceled for Being a Poster Child for Critical Race Theory

Plot Twist: “Dilbert” Creator Scott Adams Canceled for Being a Poster Child for Critical Race Theory

CRT teaches that white people are racist, they don’t have an incentive to not be racist, and when they do something that’s the opposite of racist, they’re still racist—but their selfishness is more important than their racism. I don’t believe Scott Adams necessarily agrees with critical race theory’s tenants, but he is responding to the reality of its conclusions and impact.

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Abigail Disney Calls Jessa Duggar a Coward for Not Calling Her Miscarriage an Abortion

Abigail Disney Calls Jessa Duggar a Coward for Not Calling Her Miscarriage an Abortion

An abortion is a medical procedure to terminate a pregnancy, resulting in the death of an embryo or fetus. Disney is condemning Duggar Seewald for not admitting to purposely terminating her baby’s life, when the truth is, her child experienced a natural death in the womb.

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Why I Am Not a Feminist

Why I Am Not a Feminist

I’ve been told feminism is about advocating for respect, dignity, and opportunity for women among our male peers. You can be a Christian complementarian and advocate for all those things. The question is what is your perception of “respect, dignity, and opportunity,” and how would you achieve them? If your idea of opportunity in the workforce is access to abortion-on-demand, that’s a very hard pass for me. If we have to lower military standards for the sake of inclusion, I’m not a fan. If employers purposely choose to not promote men because they need more women in leadership roles (cartoonist Scott Adams ran into this problem, while in the corporate world), that’s discrimination.

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Why Right-Wing Outrage Over "Black National Anthem" is Unhelpful

Why Right-Wing Outrage Over "Black National Anthem" is Unhelpful

Do I think there’s a sinister plot to use this beautiful hymn as a means to divide this country? Only because the right predictably takes the bait. If it was a legitimate troll by the NFL, it was genius. Two weeks ago, conservatives were angry about Sam Smith’s demonic performance at the Grammys. Now, they’re upset a hymn was performed at the biggest sports event of the year. When conservative commentators are bringing the same or even more energy to a hymn as Disney’s woke cartoons such as The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder, I think we’ve got a major discernment issue.

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Our Modern Society is Cruel to Men

Our Modern Society is Cruel to Men

We continue building misogynists who care little for women, women harden by becoming more like the misogynists they despise, and they cope by doing Tiktok Lives every night, insisting body count doesn’t matter, not because they believe it doesn’t, but because they resent the fact that it does.

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Students for Life Back DeSantis Over Trump: It's Nothing Personal. It's Just Business.

Students for Life Back DeSantis Over Trump: It's Nothing Personal. It's Just Business.

“It’s nothing personal. It’s just business.” That was the tagline for former President Donald Trump’s hit show on NBC, The Apprentice. It’s also the attitude of young pro-life activists looking toward a presidential win in 2024.

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Pro-Choice "Christian" from Michigan Votes Against Medical Care for Abortion Survivors

Pro-Choice "Christian" from Michigan Votes Against Medical Care for Abortion Survivors

The Born Alive Survivors Protection Act isn’t about protecting abortion; the woman has already had one. It’s about saving a newborn who survived the assassination attempt, so it’s not about what happens in the mother’s womb. But politicians like Scholten are trying to protect the intent of abortion and shield the conscience of Americans. To continue making legislation and protections around the survivor is a reminder the child was a victim of violence.

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MSNBC Lies About CRT in School While Debating Rep. Byron Donalds

MSNBC Lies About CRT in School While Debating Rep. Byron Donalds

Not all schools are as obvious as Detroit, but critical race theory “insights” are being funneled through schools as equity training or DEI, which stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion. The reason why they push equity and not equality is that race-neutral policies are not the desirable agenda of critical race theorists. Even the Democrat Party’s official platform rejects race-neutral policies, which means they’re openly promoting racism to fight so-called racism.

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Stacey Abrams Says Ex-Boyfriend Called Her "Too Ambitious," And Will Likely Run Again

Stacey Abrams Says Ex-Boyfriend Called Her "Too Ambitious," And Will Likely Run Again

“Well, he broke up with me. He said that I was too ambitious, and wanted too many things, and I would end up alone and lonely.” Abrams got “really mad” and exacted her revenge by formulating a spreadsheet of her intended accomplishments. “I don’t know if he’s ever going to see it, but I’m—I’m doing okay.”

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Business Insider Pushes "Party Switch" Myth to Downplay Byron Donalds and Historic Black Republicans

Business Insider Pushes "Party Switch" Myth to Downplay Byron Donalds and Historic Black Republicans

The Democrats were the party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, the KKK, and opposition to Civil Rights until they realized supporting it would be to their benefit. The current president, Joe Biden, spoke at the funeral of a former Klansman, Democrat Senator Robert C. Byrd. He was also once asked by Chris Wallace how he would appeal to Southern Democrats in a presidential primary, and his answer was: “You don’t know my state. My state was a slave state.”

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Biden Invites Drag Queens to White House in Celebration of "Respect for Marriage Act"

Biden Invites Drag Queens to White House in Celebration of "Respect for Marriage Act"

“The Biden Admin sees these far-Left LGBT Activists as one of their new ‘core constituencies.’ These are the people they need to groom America into accepting ‘trans-5-years-olds’ and ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ in the name of ‘Equality.’ There is no bottom.”

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Abortion Activist Says People Should Be Able to Steal from Retailers

Abortion Activist Says People Should Be Able to Steal from Retailers

If you need to purchase diapers locked behind a glass case, be grateful the employees took the time to protect the item your baby needs from nefarious opportunists. And if you know a woman who can’t afford diapers, whip out your debit card and be charitable. You’re not a good person because you want a multiple-million dollar company to lose millions in theft every year,

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Black Georgia Pastors Support Warnock, Yet Warnock Votes Against Their Principles

Black Georgia Pastors Support Warnock, Yet Warnock Votes Against Their Principles

And though it isn’t Warnock’s job to legislate from the Bible in the senate, you would expect faith leaders to push someone who is going to protect their first amendment rights and represent their values. After all, their congregations are looking to them for leadership. Why vote for someone who would make it easier for them to be sued or muzzled?

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